In the country where you eat chocolate, data that shows that both the production and consumption of chocolate are being expanded worldwide, such as consumption of 8.4 kg per person per year, is released

bySonia Belviso

Chocolate loved by people all over the world is not only tasty, but when you eatBrain's cognitive function improvesThere are also good effects on the body. It is reported that the production and consumption of such chocolate are on an increasing trend globally.

A feast of innovation: Global Easter chocolate launches |

Chocolate production and consumption on the rise across the globe, says new data | The Independent

We are disseminating information on world marketingMintel's databaseAccording to the British people are very people who like chocolate, and in 2017 they are consuming 8.4 kilograms of chocolate per person. The per capita consumption of British people is the highest in the world in 2017, but it is not limited to British people who likes chocolate.

According to the data of 2017, the consumption of chocolate after UK consumed 8.3 kg per person in Switzerland. In other countries, Germany consumes 8.2 kilograms per person, Russia 6.8 kilograms per capita, Austria consumes 5.3 kilograms of chocolate per person. In Russia, consumption of chocolate per person is increased by 2.2% from the previous year, while consumption in Austria has decreased by 1.9% compared to the previous year.

Looking at the breakdown of chocolate production, it is a Christian festivalEaster (Easter)The chocolate production of seasonal items to be sold according to the rise is rising. Brazil, South Africa, Germany, UK, France have a world share of Easter-related chocolate production of about 10% each.

It is said that the total production of seasonal chocolate accounts for 23% of the total, adding Valentine · Christmas · Halloween etc to Easter, so it is a number that can not be ignored for the chocolate industry. Easter and Valentine are one of the opportunities for people to publicly offer chocolate and a gift, and each chocolate producer is desperately trying to make a profit even in the seasonal shopping season.

For example, in the UK, "Eastern eggs of" gin tonic flavor "are produced and are striving to sell chocolate to people who love drinking. Also, it is absolutely vegetarian in GermanyVeganVegan chocolate using vegetable-derived additives that do not use dairy products is being sold to people of chocolate. Chocolate for vegans is regarded as a highly interesting product throughout Europe and in Spain and France and Borland more than half of consumers are interested in chocolate for vegans and in fact in the UK there are 8 of the chocolates consumed in 2017 % Was chocolate for vegan.

byThomas Kriese

In recent years, the type of popular chocolate has gradually changed. The popularity of chocolate that sang the health-oriented "low fat", "sugar discreetness" that was once popular was decreasing, and instead, the "bite size" chocolate is getting popular. Mintel is analyzing whether the point that people can easily manage the intake of chocolate is the secret of popularity.

If you want to get chocolate at a cheaper price even if you are a chocolate popular all over the world, considering buying at the time the seasonal battle has settled down, chocolate for 'Easter' and 'For Valentine' who missed the season You may be able to buy it cheaply.

in Note,   Food, Posted by log1h_ik