A hero who made an AR game to summon St II characters in the real world appeared, surprised by the goodness of compatibility of AR × St II

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Currently favored by many fans as fighting game of Capcom fight "Street fighter II"Is rebuilt into the AR game, and you can summon familiar characters such as Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Dal Shim, etc. to the real world and make it fight as if you are really street fighting in town.

Street Fighter II in the real world - YouTube

In a spacious space in a corner of the city ......

Suddenly the street fighter II logo appeared.

Other places appear to play Street Fighter II on the table.

Of course you can also change the character.

After choosing a character ......

"FIGHT!" Is displayed and battle starts.

From the high kick ......

Tornado Kaen who blows away Ryu with legs.

It looks like this from the opponent's side. It is realistic as if Ryu and Ken suddenly appeared in the street and started a street fight.

The blown up ryu stands up suddenly. An unrelated general woman passes by and walks on that side as it walks so that it goes through the gap between Ryu and the streetlight just like it really seems to have a reu in the real world.

Tornado Ryu killed by the horrorist leg fights back with a wave fist. Originally Street Fighter II is a 2D fighting fighting game, but in AR games in movies Ryuu and Ken are represented by 3DCG, and the action is subtlely mottled or undesirable.

It actually looks like this on a smartphone.

You can choose your favorite characters such as Edmond Honda and Gail, and you can fight in any place you like.

Stuck in a state Ken v.

Although Chun-Li will jump and set in place, Ken's Dragon Fist who was reading it decided to counter ... ...


When winning, "YOU WIN" is displayed on the screen.

Keeping your smartphone close to Ryu and Ken is like this. Ken who loses loses to the match just before his eyes is bitten and falls.

Furthermore, that bonus stage has also been reproduced ... ...

Ken destroys the car in a bang.

Hado Ken!

Also, at the bonus stage you can move the character three-dimensionally, move Ken forward of the car ... ...

I will beat you bang from the front.

This movie is open to the public, has published multiple AR games of his ownAbhishek SinghMr. I call the created AR version of Street Fighter II "Real World Warrior" edition, but I am surprised that the compatibility of AR with Street Fighter II is surprisingly good as well as its quality.

in Video,   Game, Posted by logu_ii