Intense Video of Car-Crushing bonus stage reenaction in Street Fighter II

As a viral marketing for their SSD video cam, Samsung published this cool piece of video, reenacting the bonus stage of famous head-to-head fighting game Street Fighter II.

The only fault they made is that nobody would be able to link this video to on-the-edge computer devices.

Read on for description!

YouTube - Real Street Fighter Wannabe

Ryu-like cosplaying man punches the car with his bare hands.

Ripping off lights and engine hood.

Diving elbow drop!

Naeryo chagi!

At last the engine hood went off.

Breaking glass.

Destroying the door.

Even the iron roof can't suffer his knee drop.

Totally ripped off

Blowing fire, instead of Hadouken. It is actually Dhalsim's move.

Ryu Wins!

Just for your information, this is the actual bonus stage of Street Fighter II.

YouTube - Ryu's Bonus Stage

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in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log