Play "real street fighter" of real space projection type using iPhone 4S
Fighting games are more powerful if you do it on a big screen than on a small screen. There is sense of opening if it is outdoors, surely you can enjoy it in the best environment. So, with the iPhone 4S, a movie that tried playing by projecting "street fighter" in reality space appeared.
Street Fighter on iPhone 4S - YouTube
Two men came out.
A man who takes a very provocative attitude.
The hat man received this challenge.
Put the projector on your feet ...
The screen was projected in the real space.
Two men who started fighting with the street fighter with the iPhone 4S in hand.
Do not look at the other party at all, just watch the screen.
In front of that, Ryu's tornado swaying leg bursts.
It is a somewhat stupid sight as I look away.
At the end, a man with a hat (Ken) wins.
Mami Miro, is not it?
RespectThePact which produced this retro movie has produced various other well-known movies and uploaded it to YouTube.
It is said that Kore enjoys Pac-Man in the real world. Pac-Man is likePyongyoshiit seems like.
Real Life PAC-MAN - YouTube
"Chess Wars" fighting chess pieces.
Chess Wars - YouTube
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