I tried making an ideal question with "Culture Queries" which automatically creates a smart "inverse question" to an interviewer simply by clicking on my values

It is important to check whether your values ​​match your company on the recruit side when you get a job or change jobs. However, it is difficult to convey questions that you would like to ask the interviewer who may influence your destiny and to construct questions that do not make you feel bad. Service of Key Values ​​"Culture QueriesSimply chooses the values ​​that you value and automatically creates smart question suggestions that match your values.

The best questions to ask in an interview | Culture Queries

"Culture Queries" is a website for matching applicant and company's values ​​of recruitment. By simply clicking on "values ​​that place importance", you can obtain a question and explanation to ask the interviewer.

Values ​​to ask questions are "Daily Routines" (normal business content), "Team Values" (team values), "Personal Health" (personal health and life), "Engineering" (engineering), "Career Growth" (Career prospect), and "Strategy" (corporate strategy).

I actually tried creating a question suggestion. In the first item "Daily Routines" (normal business content), I selected "Eats Lunch Together" (eat lunch with my colleagues). In addition, it is possible to select multiple values.

Values ​​in this item are as follows.
· "Eats Lunch Together" (I have lunch with my colleagues)
· "Flexible Work Arrangements" (flexibility of work contents)
· "Light Meetings" (Meeting is light)
· "Friends Outside of Work" (friends outside work)
· "Has Good Beer" (Alcohol such as beer is okay at work)
· "Thoughtful Office Layout" (highly functional office layout)

Next, choose items from "Team Values" (Team Values). The choices are "There is love for products", "Flat organization", "Have responsibility in a wide field", etc. This time we are focusing on friendly values, "Engages with Community" (with community Connection).

All values ​​of this item are as follows.
· "Engages with Community" (connection with the community)
· "Team is Diverse" (Diversity team)
· "Continuous Feedback" (continuous feedback)
· "Impressive Team Members" (employees are better)
· "Bonded by Love for Product" (love for products)
· "Creative + Innovative" (with creativity and innovation)
· "Cross-Department Collaboration" (to collaborate with other departments)
· "Open Communication" (open communication)
· "EQ> IQ" (I value my heart's intelligence from the IQ)
· "Flat Organization" (flat organization)
· "Risk-Taking> Stability" (Focus on taking risks beyond stability)
· "Wears Many Hats" (in charge of a wide field)
· "Heavily Team Oriented" (place great emphasis on teams)

Next, I will select items in the field of "Personal Health" (personal health and life). The options include "work / life balance" and "supplementary physical health", and this time I chose "Actively Practices Inclusion" (active in work) with an image working with Bari Bali.

All values ​​of this item are as follows.
· "Actively Practices Inclusion" (active in work)
· "Work / Life Balance" (work / life balance)
· "Committed to Personal Growth" (emphasis on growth of personal ability)
· "Ideal for Parents" (ideal for parents)
· "Safe Environment to Fail" (environment that you can relieve even if you fail)
· "Supports Physical Wellness" (Assistance for Physical Health)
· "Fosters Psychological Safety" (an environment that improves psychological safety)

Next we will select the values ​​of "Engineering" (engineering). There are items of values ​​that emphasize "Pair Programming", "Open Source Contributor" and "State of the Art" as items. For this time, we selected the "High Quality Code Base" (high code base is high quality) of corporate value that companies have technology skills and are likely to enhance their skills.

All values ​​of this item are as follows.
· "High Quality Code Base" (code base is high quality)
· "Pair Programs" (performs pair programming)
· "Open Source Contributor" (Open Source Contributor)
· "Start-to-Finish Ownership" (I consider it as my own task from the beginning to the end of the project)
· "Uses Agile Methodologies" (adopts Agile development)
· "Cutting-Edge Technologies" (latest technology)
· "Fast-Paced Environment" (fast-paced environment)
· "Continuous Delivery" (Continuous Delivery)

In the next item, I will select the value of "Career Growth" (career prospect). As options, there are internal promotion, movement, internship system, etc. In this time, we selected "Promotes from Within" (internal promotion) with internally promoted image of Bali Bali.

Values ​​of this item are as follows.
· "Promotes from Within" (Internal Promotion)
· "Internal Mobility" (there is movement inside)
· "Good for Junior Devs" (tolerant to junior developers)
· "Has Internship Program" (with internship program)
· "High Employee Retention" (high employee retention rate)

The last item is "Strategy" (corporate strategy). Options include "customer first", "product driven" and "data driven". This time customers chose "Customer Comes First" (customer first) as the first image.

All values ​​of this item are as follows.
· "Customer Comes First" (customer first)
· "Engineering-Driven" (led by engineering)
· "Product-Driven" (product led)
· "Design-Driven" (Design led)
· "Data - Driven" (data driven)
· "Rapidly Growing Team" (Employee scale is rapidly growing)

Click "See Results" when you finish choosing the values ​​that you value.

An inquiry plan was created automatically according to the values ​​you clicked on.

In the question proposal, the contents of the question at the top is described, the commentary is written in thin letters below it, and at the bottom is the values ​​that caused this question to be created. The question "how often do lunch meetings and other events, etc.?" Was made from the choices of "Eats Lunch Together" (eat lunch with work associates) of their choice. In the commentary, "Anyone would like to know what lunch time is like, but asking as it is not interesting, in that case, ask the event etc. to be done at the company's lunch Let's see if we can see if lunch is being offered or whether we will eat with other people. "

The proposed draft proposal to people with values ​​that emphasize "Promotes from Within" (Internal Promotion) asked executives and leaders to recruit official posts for external humans like me this time I asked the reasons why I was recruiting external talent, not internally, and explored the situation inside the company.

A question suggested by a person who emphasizes corporate culture with values ​​in "Engages with Community" is a straight question that "What kind of community do you have a connection with your company?" And, in the commentary column, there is a question suggestion "In addition, what kind of things can you do to make and contribute to such a community?"

In Culture Queries, whichever value you choose, all 20 questions are chosen, but only 6 of them can be viewed unregistered. In order to confirm all 20 question proposals, registration of a mail address is necessary. To register, enter the mail address in the input box under the question suggestion and click "Send".

You will see that all the question suggestions have been sent to the email address you entered.

In the e-mail address inbox, an e-mail from Key Values ​​arrived, and a total of 20 question drafts were stated.

On the question draft page of Culture Queries, there are several other job offers of the company. These companies place emphasis on the same values ​​as the values ​​that they emphasize.

It is the software developer Lynne who manages this service, once a cleaning agency service companyHomejoyIt is a former operation manager who bundled 150 employees. Lynne who jumped into the engineering world after the Homejoy era used methods such as interests and abilities, programming, etc., recruiters when employing engineers, but has both the values ​​and skills that we need Talent was not found. Based on that experience, I made this service.

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log