Three-dimensionalization of "Maruyama respondent ghost figure" which is said to have become the source of a ghost picture without legs

"Ghost chart (vision of snow)" is "overseas"The Ghost of Oyuki"The artist representing the middle term of the Edo period ·Maruyama ElectionIt is a ghost picture drawn by.

This is "ghost map (vision of snow)"

And this time it was three-dimensionalized as a table art museum series"Maruyama respondent ghost figure"

NHK's studyAccording to "A ghost around the early Edo period had its legs drawn, but this ghost story has no legs. In some legend - one time a deceased wife appeared in the dream of the emergency My wife has no legs and it is drifting in the air.It is said that the lieutenant known as the master of the sketch drawing faithfully depicted this wife's figure seen in a dream.Then the haunted ghost In line with the painting, a lot of ghosts without legs will be drawn. "

So, I can not find the tip of my feet

Moreover, it seems to be another ghost chart by Maruyama Election

In addition, the prototype production is Tatsuya Ishibashi (MIC), production cooperation is Max Factory, the release timing is undecided, and the price has yet to be determined.

in Coverage,   Art, Posted by darkhorse