Derolian runs and the iron-giant fights "Lady Player 1" latest trailer, reality and virtual reality violently interlaced

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In 2045, as many people immersed in the virtual reality "oasis" to escape the devastated world, billionaires James Halliday died as a creator of the oasis. Since the testament was left that "ownership of my estate and oasis will be given to those who found the Easter eggs hidden in the oasis", the human race worldwide will fight death while the reality and game world interlace To spread ... ....Lady Player 1"The latest trailer of" It is released "has been released. until nowGundam · Chun-Li · Delorian · AKIRA's Kaneda motorcycleAlthough it was talked about the appearance of the characters of the existing work one after another as it appears, such as a new trailer, the story which interlaces the real world and the virtual reality is drawn also stepping in.

READY PLAYER ONE - Come With Me - YouTube

"Oasis" is a world of virtual reality that wears a headset and enters. With the body suits and headset mounted in the real world ... ...

The virtual reality character moves in a form linking with a real human being.

While the world is devastated, only the oasis is the place where you want to be "want to do, you can do what you want" place.

"We are talking about because the threat is approaching the future"

Wade Watts of the hero struggle to obtain Easter egg. However, to somehow be targeted in the real world ... ....

It was guided by girls ......

Huge Robo,Iron · GiantTo the place where there is.

Friendship built in the oasis.

That will lead to friendship in the real world.

The virtual reality and the real world intertwine more and more.

And ...

Something seems to have happened, "No! No! No!

Button pressed.

"This is a war"

And finally the key to the Easter egg ... ....

A car chase unfolded in an oasis.

In the real world car chases will be held.

"Wait a moment, something ... ..." as the boy turns around ... ...

A woman holding a gun invaded the van.

Attack at the oasis ... ...

To real things.

Wade shedding tears.

It mixes characters of existing works and the world view.

Lady Player 1 will be released to Japan on April 20, 2018.

Movie "Lady Player 1" Official Site

The American version poster looks something like this. In a little retro atmosphere, it has become familiar with certain famous characters and icons.

in Video,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log