Trailer for Super Bowl that will be the first video release of the movie "Han Solo / Star Wars Story"

A movie depicting another story of the "Star Wars" series that made the young Han solo the heroHan Solo / Star Wars Story"ofSuper bowlA commercial CM has been released.

Solo: A Star Wars Story "Big Game" TV Spot (: 45) - YouTube

Rhythmically switch on sound

It is a trade base or a space harbor, there are guards soldiers, in cluttered buildings.

At the center, two men talk "I want to make a change?" "Yes," I'm talking. Believe that "I trust me, I like you surely", but I do not know what it refers to.

The Star Destroyer of the Imperial Army, going back to the lightning bolt.

TIE fighter, TIE bomber and many kinds of fuselage are shooting from the bottom of the ship.

"So, what were you interested in?"

Along with the car chase like scenes "I'm going to be a pilot, the one in the galaxy ... ...."

Passage in curved spacecraft

Is it a Millennium Falcon issue to look up?

What role does Emilia Clark 's woman Kira play?

In addition, it seems that a new droid comes out.

Monorail running with rails sandwiched between the top and bottom of the car body

Becket in a master position of Han Solo. It is Woody Harrelson who plays.

A singer who sings and sings with a dazzling costume.

Fierce battle on the monorail while driving

And also the appearance of Land Carrijid who is long tied with Han solo. It is Donald Glover who plays.

Millennium Falcon in flight

Han solo who is asked "What is your name?" And turns his face to here. In this work, Alden Ehren-like plays.

Finally the figure of Chewbacca putting his hand on the shoulder of Han Solo.

A trailer will be made public soon.

The movie "Han Solo / Star Wars Story" is released on Walt Disney Japan distribution on June 29, 2018 (Friday).

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in Video,   Movie, Posted by logc_nt