Research results such as smartphone · PC · TV, etc., that the activity through the display deteriorates the happiness degree

According to research published by psychologists at the San Diego State University and Georgia University in the USA, studies published on the journal Emotion, the happiness level and satisfaction level of American teenagers has decreased significantly since 2012 Has been revealed. This fall in happiness seems to be related to the youth smartphone ownership ratio.

Decreases in Psychological Well-Being Among American Adolescents After 2012 and Links to Screen Time During the Rise of Smartphone Technology. - PsycNET

Why am I unhappy? A new study explains Americas unhappiness epidemic - Quartz

In a study published at Emotion, we surveyed about 1 million teenagers about "what are you doing in your free time?" And "activities feeling happiness" and so on It is. According to this survey, the behavior that teenagers are doing in their free time has changed greatly since 2012 and this change has greatly reduced the happiness degree.

This research has been in use since 1991MTFSurvey data on a nationwide scale. MTF conducts a questionnaire about what you are doing to teens every year in teenagers, and there are various answers such as "Play with friends", "exercise", "reading" and so on.

byRodion Kutsaev

According to the survey, young people who spend a lot of time spending time with friends in the free time, exercising, working on sports, participating in worship, reading and studying are most happy is. On the other hand, young people who spend a lot of time on the Internet, games, social media, TV, TV phones, etc. have also become clear that they are not happy. In other words, it turns out that activities carried out through displays do not lead to happiness. The difference is big, and it seems that teens who spend more than 5 hours a day on-line feel that they are twice as unhappy than teens who spend less than an hour on-line.

This kind of research has been increasing in recent years,Other studiesSo the longer you spend your time on online content and social media, the better your child is shown to be unhappy. Also,Another studyPeople who were forced to quit Facebook for a week had a feeling of happier time than they were using Facebook, lack of loneliness and obviously not to feel depressed It is getting.

byWilliam Iven

With the spread of smartphones, more people are spending time past the display than before. The average time spent on-line has doubled from 2006 to 2016, and it seems that 82% of 12th graders (third grade of high school in Japan) are using social media everyday. Since this figure was 51% in 2008, it has increased by 31% in just 8 years.

Since 2012, the happiness of teenagers has plummeted, especially "self-esteem", "satisfaction with life (especially satisfaction with friendships)" "enjoyment" "satisfaction with the whole life" declined It is said that. These declines are for young peopledepression·self harm·suicideIt is thought that this has led to an increase in sales.

Similar trends are also seen among adults, adults over 30 years old more than 15 years agoNot happy, The number of sexual activities of adults is higher than beforeDeclineIt turned out to be doing. Many things seem to have influenced these trends, but adults also have to spend a lot of time in front of the displaythe studyIt seems that the degree of happiness and the activity on the display have a great relationship also in adults.

in Mobile,   Science, Posted by logu_ii