Predictors of Internet addiction turned out to be 'loneliness,' 'parental care,' and 'gender.'

The use of the Internet is useful and one of the ways to have a good time, but it is said that depending on the use of the Internet will harm your real life. A study on the potential harm closely associated with Internet addiction in teens has been published by a research team at the Department of Psychology at Concordia University.
Longitudinal Trajectories, Social and Individual Antecedents, and Outcomes of Problematic Internet Use Among Late Adolescents --Tóth-Király --- Child Development --Wiley Online Library
Problematic internet use and teen depression are closely linked --ScienceDaily
While the Internet is a necessary tool for daily life, ' Problematic Internet Use (PIU) ' is regarded as a problem.
PIU, also known as Internet addiction or Internet addiction, 'cannot control internet usage time,' 'tends to prioritize online activities over offline social relationships,' and 'shows some withdrawal symptoms when the internet is unavailable.' It is said that it has features such as ', and research has been conducted in recent years.
A research team led by Concordia University psychologist István Tóth-Király surveyed 1,750 high school students in Helsinki, Finland, for three years.
From the survey results, the research team cited three predictors of young people's behavior in PIU: 'loneliness,' 'parental care,' and 'gender.'
'Loneliness' is a lack of satisfied relationships. Previous studies have pointed out that young people with poor social communication are more likely to run in PIU. The research team reports that young people who are unable to build sufficient relationships are more likely to run in PIU.

About 'How to Raise Parents' The research team found that children run into PIU when they communicate satisfactorily with their children, do not fully express their affection and intimacy, and are close to
Regarding 'gender,' the research team found that men were more likely to run PIU than women. The researchers speculate that this is because women tend to use the Internet for social purposes, while men tend to use the Internet impulsively for watching games, movies, and pornographic content. I am.

The research team also points out that 'depressive symptoms,' 'poor performance,' and 'substance abuse' were observed as symptoms closely related to PIU. The adverse effects of PIU have been studied so far, and it has been pointed out that PIU causes depressive symptoms and poor academic performance.
However, after analyzing the findings, the research team believes that 'PIU and depressive symptoms and poor academic performance occur at about the same time,' rather than 'PIU causes depressive symptoms and poor academic performance.' From this, the research team argued that 'PIU' and 'depressive symptoms and poor grades' are not a one-sided relationship, but a two-way relationship that works and strengthens each other.

'Some teens will spend more time on the Internet in mid-puberty,' said Tóth-Király. However, the time spent online allows young people to mature, form themselves, and interact with others. It tends to decrease as you form a relationship. Even if you use the Internet for a long time from the perspective of your parents, it is not a problematic behavior unless it actually adversely affects your mental health and academic performance. I explained.
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in Science, Posted by log1i_yk