How is the right answer to going to the most difficult pub in the UK, 860 km from London "The Old Forge"?

"The Old ForgeIs located at the edge of north Scotland, about 860 km from London,It is also registered as Guinness Book as "Britain's Most Unlikely Pub"Despite its poor transportation, it is still a popular pub of tourists.

Seafood, Venison, Real Ales and Folk Music :: The Old Forge, Inverie, Knoydart

The address of The Old Forge is "Inverie, PH 41 4PL, Scotland"

You can easily understand why The Old Forge is said to be "the hardest pub in the UK" and what to do to actually go to The Old Forge can be seen in the following movie.

The Epic Journey to Britain's Most Remote Pub - YouTube

The Old Forge is on the North Scotland / Noidhart PeninsulaInverlyIt is in.

At first glance it looks like a pub in an ordinary port town ... ...

Looking at the map, we do not pass the national highway to the pavned Inverly, it is completely isolated from the main road network.

How about going on a railroad? Especially steam locomotive of West Highland Line running in ScotlandJacobiteIs a popular train that has been filmed as a limited express of the Hogwarts Magic Magic School in the movie "Harry Potter" series.

In the middle of the journey, you will be relieved by the idyllic scenery of Scotland.

As I reached the landscape, I arrived at The Old Forge with a lot of kettles ......

I order a pint (about 570 milliliters) of beer ......

cheers! How about this plan?

"No, it is impossible, the train will not come to Inverly.MaregIt is the shop owner Jean - Pierre Robinn who is the owner of The Old Forge who answers "The station is the end point."

Besides, although Malague and Inverly are not 10 km in straight line distance, there is a Lake Nybii in a form that crosses between them, and it is impossible to reach a considerable distance. So how can I get to Meligue station in Inverly?

Let's assume that we will go on foot.

It will take a lot of time, but there is no problem even if you are hungry along the way if you bring water and supplements packed in your bag.

I am leaving after having enough of the harsh climate of Scotland.

In the middle of the journey, you will be relieved of Scottish idyllic landscapes.

As I reached the landscape, I arrived at The Old Forge with a lot of kettles ......

I order a pint (about 570 milliliters) of beer ......

cheers. It certainly seems to arrive anywhere without a railroad track.

"Otherwise, if you can do it," Robinn says. "But I do not recommend it to be honest."

For 18 miles (about 29 km), you can not reach the town without a walk, such as swamps and wilderness. No matter how we prepare it is difficult to keep walking for 29 km while overcoming severe nature.

There is also a plan to go further by car to the store.

Even if you have a 4WD car, it's a dirt road as well.

In the middle of the journey, you will be relieved of Scottish idyllic landscapes.

As I reached the landscape, I arrived at The Old Forge with a lot of kettles ......

I order a pint (about 570 milliliters) of beer ......

cheers! If it is a car you can easily go to a pub if you can withstand even a long distance drive.

"It's impossible to come by car to this point, it's 18 miles (29 km) to the nearest road from here. You had better put the car in Malague and take a boat."

Certainly it is possible to run on gravel roads and wilderness, but clears are likely to be difficult to clear because the marshes are taken away even at 4 WD.

"Of course, inviting tourists is very important as a business, so it's really busy from the beginning of March until the middle of October."

"But even in such a land backpackers and hikers will come here because the neighborhood is such a wonderful spot to compete in Scotland 1 and 2. Neudert has never changed since the past and the wonderful nature of England remains Mr. Robinet says. If we introduce roads and railroads in search of convenience, the wonderful nature will be destroyed.

If you come by train or car to Malague, let's get on a luggage from Malague.

I will get a ticket to Inverly and get on at once.

In the middle of the journey, you will be relieved of Scottish idyllic landscapes.

"Great! Whale !!"

While touching the whale, the contact ship arrived in Inverly with a couple of kettles. The Old Forge is a few minutes walk from the harbor by the sea.

I order a pint (about 570 milliliters) of beer ......

cheers! Robinen will also participate in the glass wine this time. In order to go to The Old Forge which is the most difficult pub in the UK, it is impossible to transfer a train, get on a car for a long time and head for Malague, then further use a ferry from there.

in Video,   Food, Posted by log1i_yk