There is an island that can be reached by a truck that runs on the sea like "sea train"

The northernmost island of Kojima / Northern Tundish Mall, near the Danish border is tied to the mainland with just 2 rails. manga"ONE PIECEAppears inSea trainIt is regarded as a model ofHindenburg DamAlthough it is smaller than that, it shows us the fascinating appearance of a small scale.

Narrow Gauge Trams Traveling Across the North Sea - YouTube

North Shtondish Mall is a small island in the northern part of Germany with an area of ​​only 1.9 square kilometers. It is connected to the coastal town · Rutt Mall Zeal with a set of railroads about 3.5 km in length set on the shallow.

There are many types of railroad tracks (width between railroad tracks), and in Japan, Shinkansen is 1435 mm and JR's conventional line is 1067 mm, but the route to Northern Trendon Mall is just 600 mm. It is a gauge that you can not see on the general railway in Japan.

Although North Shootandish Mall is a deserted island,peatPeople started to live as valuable mining sites of the railroad, and railroads were laid in 1933 to 1934. In 1956 I was also suffering from the disaster of being destroyed by drift ice, but it was rebuilt afterwards and is still active as an infrastructure to support the lives of residents of the island.

It is shallow between Lutmall Zeal and the island, and at the low tide it becomes a vast tideland and it is possible to walk to the offshore. Thanks to that, although the ship can not be handed over, the route as if crossing over the sea has been realized. However, because it is this environment, it seems that there are times when the operation stops depending on the weather.

As of 2018, there are only 2 inns, churches and schools on the island, but the train is operated regularly to carry food and tourists. There used to be a train that sails and wind-powered, but now that most of the diesel's things are supposed to be.

On this track, in addition to regularly operated trains, residents' own private trains are also running. All the inhabitants of the island have a garage at home, and residents themselves can run a private train themselves if there is a license for moping that can be obtained from 15 years old and over. To that end, the variety of trains is different, not just box-type trains but also the appearance of a roof-free truck train.

Northern Shostranchish Mall island is the northernmost island of GermanyJilt Islandthere is. It is Hindenburg Dam that the railway connecting Jilt Island and the German mainland became a model of the sea train which appears in "ONE PIECE". The sea spreads to the left and right of the Hindenburg dam which was laid on the bank road. There are also cases where Jilt Island is a resort area, and Hindenburg Dam has more customers than Northern Trankish Mall Island route, and more than 100 trains pass each day.

byPeter Toporowski

You can see how the train runs in the Hindenburg Dam with the following movie.

Jalur Kereta Api Membelah Lautan - YouTube

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by log1i_yk