What happens if you are drinking 12 diet colas a day like President Trump?


The American news that President Trump is drinking 12 diet colas everyday is talking about in the United States. Although it is a diet drink that sells calorie off by using artificial sweetener, TIME magazine summarizes opinions by experts as to whether there is too much quantity per dozen indeed.

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It was the New York Times that reported this news on December 9, 2017. In an article titled "What Mr. Trump is fighting everyday to protect myself", reports of Mr. Trump 's activities as a daily work have been reported.

Inside Trump's Hour-by-Hour Battle for Self-Preservation - The New York Times

"When Mr. Trump gets up at 5:30 in the morning, first watch the CNN, watch CNN, then change the channel to Fox, calm down, think about what to tweet, then MSNBC's" Morning / Joe "to seek anger" and write down how Mr. Trump responds or counterattacks against opponents and articles criticized by himself. The content seems to have been brought mainly from Mr. Trump 's aides, but one of them includes "drinking a dozen diet colas everyday".

About this content, I correspond to the graduate school of Tufts UniversityFriedman School of Nutrition Science and PolicyDr. Dariush Mozaffarian, dean of undergraduate, said, "It seems better than drinking 12 regular colas containing a large amount of sugar, but in order to tell about what influence Mr. Trump has on daily diet drinks It is still a little earlier, "he says that there are still many unknown parts about how the low calorie drink will affect people's health.

According to Mozaffarian, the research in this field is "in the experimental phase using the entire population", so how we change the health condition of people actually buying products and drinking, academic It is shown that it is the stage where "Observation" is being done. Mozaffarian also said that he chooses diet drinks rather than mineral water or carbonated water, he said "very little", rather it takes irritations, insomnia, migraine headache by taking too much caffeine contained in drinks , High heart rate and other symptoms are raised.

ByAngelina Earley

Furthermore, there is concern about the influence of "deviation of sensation" by taking too much artificial sweetener. Unlike natural sweeteners, artificial sweeteners have a gap between the sweetness that the tongue felt and the amount of sugar actually incorporated into the body, and it is considered that the body is likely to make sugar easier I will. Moreover, there is concern about the danger that explosive appetite is hit by a certain stage by this accumulation of deviations.

In animal experiments, it is said that individuals given artificial sweeteners lead to an increase in body weight, and that the balance of hormones that control appetite levels is destroyed. Although the direct causal relationship has not been elucidated, it is known that those who drink a lot of diet drinks tend to suffer from type 2 diabetes. In a paper published in 2009 it has been shown that people who drink a lot of diet drinks have a 67% chance of becoming type 2 diabetes.

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In this same study, it has been revealed that the possibility of causing "metabolic syndrome" such as hypertension, hyperglycemia, high cholesterol and abdominal fat increase by as much as diet drink increases by 34%. These symptoms have the risk of leading to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and heart attacks as well.

ByMike Mozart

Furthermore, according to a paper published in 2017, it is known that those who drink one or more diet drinks a day will double the probability of causing a heart attack. Also, people who drink diet drinks are also pointed out to be associated with diseases related to the brain such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Sugar- and Artificially Sweetened Beverages and the Risks of Incident Stroke and Dementia | Stroke

Depending on the person, there may be a case that "Choose a diet drink for health", but in fact the opposite situation is revealed by research. By the way, Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter after the article on the New York Times "The New York Times of the fall posted another lie article again, I'm lying to say that I am watching TV from 4 to 8 hours a day! I rarely see CNN and MSNBC which I believe is "fake news", etc., but I have not touched on "12 diet colas".

in Note,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log