Is love at first sight between men and women really happening?

byPablo Heimplatz

The latest research on "love at first sight" is investigating whether human beings "fall in love at first sight" or just "I believe that they fell in love at first sight" by going back to memory after gaining lover. What kind of survey was actually carried out is that "love" for human beings for the first time to meet is "a complex emotion that can truly form love?" Or "strong physical attraction It seems he studied about "?

Love at First Sight? It's Probably Just Lust

From research on past love, it has become clear that humans love specific areas of the brain when they fall in love. It seems that which area of ​​the brain becomes active depends on the kind of love that people feel. For example, in the case of intense passionate love affair, areas of the brain that are the same as in drug addiction are activated, and in the case of love that lasts longer, the areas of the brain related to "attachment" and "reward system" It is known to be converted.

Also, it is also clear that from the study on love at first glance, "one in three Westerners has experienced love at first sight". However, regardless of which research I saw, "I felt love at first sight at the moment I met for the first time", or remembering the first encounter with my already falling in love, and I felt "that was love at first sight" It is said that is not marked. In other words, there were only research results based on the subject's "I was love at first sight", and there was no one scientifically demonstrating that "love at first sight" occurred.

byMayur Gala

In the new study, we gathered approximately 400 German and Dutch heterosexuals in their twenties and gathered data on about 500 encounters. Data is collected in three stages, online survey, laboratory survey, and three dating events (up to 90 minutes per session). Not only do you talk about past encounters, but the first time men and women meet In setting, we ask questions such as "Do you fell in love at first sight?" And "How did you feel about your opponent's physical appeal?" Also, in order to define "love", subjects were asked to self-analyze about elements such as "eros (physical appeal)" "intimacy" "passion" "leaning", and submitted the information That's right.

As a result of the test, a total of 49 "love at first sight" was reported from 32 subjects in the subjects. However, according to the data, the feelings that people who reported as "love at first sight" are not deeply related to "love" such as "eros (physical appeal)" and "passion" but "feeling of intimacy" And "love" such as "tilt" was a little emotion.

However, contrary to the report from the subject himself, it is also clear that the "physical appeal" that the subject holds against the person whom the subject fell in love at first glance is high. In the experiment he seems to have ranked the heterosexual physical attraction for the first time encountered and submitted it, the person who fell in love at first sight of the subject who declared "I felt love at first sight" was a person who was evaluated as having high physical attractiveness That is why.

About 60% of the subjects were female, but it is also clear that there are many cases where men feel more love at first sight "more quickly". In addition, it is clear from research that love at first sight is one-sided in all cases and it is a very rare case that "men and women fell in love with each other at first sight" is a rare case.

byHaley Powers

The researchers conclude that love at first sight is "only the feeling that" the first felt charm was strong "result, after looking back in love," I felt that was love at first sight "".

in Science, Posted by logu_ii