It is important not to plan "next year" but "next year"

Often it is considered to be "What kind of year will be next year" to welcome the new year, but the "next year" may be a too close future with a view to making long-term goals. We have published sentences on self improvement, motivation, entrepreneurial mindsetBenjamin P. HardieMr. President announced a column that "2017 is not a matter of 2018 but a plan of 2019" at the timing when 2017 is about to end, thinking not only next year but also the year after next, and even further plans I talk about the importance of things.

Why You Should be Planning for 2019, Not 2018. - Personal Growth - Medium

To tell you that "life can be controlled by yourself", Mr. Hardie gives an example of JK Rowling, author of the prominent "Harry Potter" series and George Lucas, the author of the movie "Star Wars" series I am preaching the importance of long-term planning. When writing Harry Potter's first work, Mr. Rowling should have made a story after thinking about Harry's spending seven years at the Hogwarts magic school. In addition, Mr. Lucas started the movie production as the first work of the Star Wars series, episode 4 of the epic story of nine episodes. It is not a single work of reading one episode, but because of such a long-term vision, it is only through consistent concepts throughout the Harry Potter series and Star Wars series, and it will become a work loved by many people That's it.

Mr. Hardie lists the principle principle that you should keep in mind here, "You should think about making orchards, not plant trees." Simply planting a tree can be accomplished quickly, but everything ends there. However, having a vision of "planting trees" as a means for the purpose of "orchard" makes it clear what to do now.

In other words, it means "to start thinking about things to be dropped". Even if you do not know the meaning well at a certain point, even if you can look ahead to the goal that goes beyond the movies, not only movies but also the plan of work and life, it becomes a magnificent "hypothesis" for the final result as a result You may. To that end, it is important to set distant goals and decompose the way into certain spans to short-term goals.

Mr. Hardie wrote that in order to realize how to hold this line of view, you should have a vision of "What to do in one year, three years, and five years". With a big vision, the small goal there will be a means to achieve the goal. What is common is the pattern that means and objective are overwhelmed and "means become a goal unnoticedly". For example, the goal of "increasing the number of TOEIC 650 achieveers" that was set under the slogan "Let's advance internationalization!" Was aimed at getting points unnoticed, and the goal of becoming "internationalized" It is a case where the goal is blurred. Even in such a case, as long as the vision after a few years is solid, as long as regular checks and re-awareness are done, it is not necessary to lose sight of the big goal.

However, even if we are progressing, we may be forced to change the route and revise the goal as the situation changes. About nothing important to respond to real society in everything Hardy is borrowing the word of Mr. Tony Robbins of the author and "While committing to my decision, the approach that comes there is Flexible change "is written. "To commit to a decision" is actually difficult, and we abandon it due to changes in circumstances or forget the goal of the first place. In the United States, it is said that the results of the survey that only 8% of the people who actually achieved the 'New Year' goals listed in January every year are revealed.

As an important thing to achieve the goal, Mr. Hardy says that it is important to recognize that "you can make decisions on yourself". There are a lot of people who are bound by circumstances and "distortions" and others who think that they can not make a decision that they really need to make, but in reality this is not the case. Mr. Hardy says that he should take responsibility for steering the way he should go, rather than letting others control his life.

The important thing is to keep the mind to achieve the goal. What is needed for that is used in the field of psychologySelf-efficacy"When"Where control is"This is two concepts," Hardy ". Self-efficacy is recognition of the possibility that you can successfully carry out the necessary actions in certain situations, which is considered important for continuing to have a strong will until the end. Also, the location of control is the concept of "where the things are controlled" where the place is the "internal" type inside of you and the "external" type on the outside It is considered to be divided into.

In order to keep on approaching for a long time, it is important to have a feeling that "I can accomplish myself" by having self-efficacy. Also, Mr. Hardy says that it is important to prevent other people from dominating their decisions by having an "internal" way of thinking of controlling things themselves.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log