I tried eating "Yuwakuchi Ice Anno potato cup" that feels as if I'm eating elegant Japanese style ice cream
From November 21, 2017 As a new menu of Imuraya's "Wildflower Ice" series "Elegant Ice Anno potato cup"Appeared for a limited time. I tried to eat and eat it with ice which used seasonal Anno potatoes extensively and it is perfect ice for this winter season.
Information on "Welcome Ice Anpanoyotoko Cup" | News Release | Imuraya Co., Ltd.
The lid of the package is a yellow gradation that imaged the part of the body with the ergonomic color that imagined the skin of Anno potato. The instrument is based on black.
The top of the raw material is "water syrup" and "raw sauce (sugar beans)" "sugar" "dairy products" and so on. Although the name of Anno potato is broken in the middle and it is hard to see, it seems that it is used as "sweet potato powder".
The calorie per piece is 237 kcal.
When opening the lid, a yellow savory sweet ice cubes from the outside, a roasted potato sweet potato, a rice cake and 5 sesame seeds and a black sesame seeds on it.
When spoons are struck from the side of rice cake, anno potato ice emerges from the bottom. There is ice under Anno potato, there seems to be a two-layer structure. When eating, it feels as if you are eating elegant Japanese style ice cream, with the sweetness of eating texture and the sweetness of Anno sweetly intertwined with the fragrance of black sesame.
Next time I will eat it with Anno potato and Anno potato ice and black sesame. Anno potato is a particularly rich taste, I feel strongly the sweetness of Anno potato. The taste of Anno potato ice is plain and you can feel the texture of the potato paste that the texture is fine and fine. When the two go together, it makes me feel like I'm eating a cold yakitoru. Furthermore, since the black sesame seasons, the fragrance will also be added.
When waiting for a while, Anno potato melted and became soft. It is a little hardened in a frozen state, but if it is in a lightly melted state, the thickening increases, this is also ant. Considering eating in a warm room, I think that it is perfect for the winter season.
"Elegant Ice Anno Sueto Cup" is on sale at a price of 130 yen.
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