I tried "Mac Fleury Panap Grape" which Guriko supervised a strong grape sauce with acidity
McDonald's Cool sweet "McFleury"Glico's cup ice"Panap"Collaborated"McFleurie Panap Grape"Appeared in McDonald's nationwide from Wednesday, October 25, 2017. ""Forbidden Collaboration" between Ice and IceI went to eat this soup that sang.
Ice and ice "Forbidden collaboration"! "Glamorous fragrance and juicyness of" Panap sauce "with rich softness and crunchy waffle corn" Mac Fleury Panap Grape "Limited time sale from Wednesday, October 25
Thank you for waiting. This time McFleurie is a forbidden collaboration with that Panap Grape! That fruity grape sauce that is kept loved for more than 30 years in a crunchy waffle corn ....! Taste of forbiddance too luxurious, beg for fun!# McFleurie Panap Grapepic.twitter.com/n0FUeJkrHJ
- McDonald's (@ McDonalds Japan)October 20, 2017
Arrived at McDonald's.
There was a display of "Mac Fleurie Panap Grape" at the cash register.
When ordered, it was almost finished and handed over almost without waiting. In the center of the cup is a spoon stabbed. Please note that this product is not included in the morning Mac menu, so it will be offered from 10:30 am at the Mc dealer in the morning.
The cup of "McFleurie Panap Grape" is written largely with the Panap logo "Panapp (grape)". The size is one size larger than cup ice.
In addition, the handle was not single, the second one was a different handle. This handle appears when you eat PanapSmile PanapIt was drawn.
In the cup, two colors of white and reddish purple painted the marble pattern. White part is soft cream, purple is grape sauce. The studded yellow is a crushed waffle cone.
Grape sauce is supervised by Guriko. Guts and sourness were strong, it seemed like a taste like "sour taste straw" rather than "grape".
It seemed that acidity was too strong when only sauce was mixed, but when it mixes, it tastes well with the thick melting soft cream. I felt that this collaboration was a success with the truly balance.
"Mac Fleurie Panap Grape" is 290 yen including tax, limited-time sale until late November.
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in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log