"Insect" which can be easily done simply by entering an expression and converting units that can not be used as a calculator or a cumbersome calculation
Calculations such as "How many kilometers did the car running 130,000 kilometers in 10 years?" And "Calculation of how many kilometers per second at 11.2 kph per second?" Involves conversion of the unit, so it can be done instantly It is difficult. It is a troublesome thing to do calculations that require knowledge for conversion, such as "How many kilometers is 20,000 miles?", Such as the conversion between the second speed and the hour speed. In addition, when computation is done by PCRounding errorSince it occurs, you must pay sufficient attention to the number of significant digits. It is "to solve these problems collectively"insectIt is a web application called. Since it can handle up to 10 digits (10 ^ 15) with 30 significant digits, it can be used for scientific calculations.
insect - scientific calculator
The arrow ">>" is displayed on the black screen. If you enter the mathematical expression here and press the enter key, the calculation result will be returned.
As it's first, try entering "?" Following the indication "Enter '?' For help". A sample of how to use was displayed.
You can also see the list of variables set by entering "list".
I will try using it at once. First I tried using arithmetic operations. Multiplication and division are prioritized.
You can also use powers and factorials.
To convert a unit, add a hyphen and half-size greater sign such as "->", then enter the destination unit. For example, entering "1 l -> ml" returned "1000 ml".
Let's convert cubic meters to liters. 10 m ^ 3 is 10 thousand liters.
20 thousand miles has reached 32186.9 kilometers.
It is equivalent to 35.6 kilometers per day that 130,000 km in 10 years.
11.2 kilometers per second is roughly 40,000 kilometers per hour.
1 GB to 1000 MB. I am wondering "Is not it 1024?",Wikipedia binary prefix pageAccording to "G" and "M" are not binary prefixes, 1000 is correct here.
The correct binary prefixes are "GiB" and "MiB". When inputting with capital letters and lower case letters carefully, 1 GiB has become 1024 MiB properly.
Because we use these two prefixes in conflict, "I bought a 128 GB iPhone but the capacity is only 119 GB from the beginning" happens. The latter "119 GB" must be written as "119 GiB" correctly, but the notation "119 GB" is permitted because the binary prefix is not popular.
Variables are also available. For example, when calculating the mass of an object with a radius of 6300 km and an average density of 5 g, the result is 5.24 × 10 ^ 24 kg.
Since the speed of light is set to the variable "c" from the beginning, conversion of wavelength and frequency can be done easily. The frequency of a wave with a wavelength of 600 micrometers was 499.654 gigahertz.
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in Review, Web Application, Posted by log1d_ts