Tesla is developing a chip for automobile with AMD

bySteve Jurvetson

Steady towards "fully automatic operation"Information has been revealed that Tesla cooperating with chip semiconductor development chip AMD.

Tesla building an AI chip for its cars with AMD, GlobalFoundries

Tesla is reportedly developing its own chip with AMD for self-driving cars - The Verge

This information was revealed by the company's CEO Sanjay Jar at the technical conference of the semiconductor manufacturer "GLOBALFOUNDRIES" held in Santa Clara, California. GLOBALFOUNDRIES was originally born independently from AMD and has contracted supply of wafers until 2020 with AMD.

In the meeting, Jaar cited AMD as an example of a Tesla chip manufacturing cooperating company. A genius who led the development of Zen microarchitecture such as Ryzen, which causes AMD recoveryJim KellerAfter completing Ryzen's design, Mr. has moved to Tesla. There is a possibility that Mr. Keller may be involved in the relationship between Tesla and AMD this time.

In addition, it is known that Tesla's automatic driving car is adopted by NVIDIA 's "NVIDIA Drive PX 2" which is a rival of AMD.

"NVIDIA Drive PX 2" which realizes automatic driving car with the capacity of 150 MacBook Pros with one board - GIGAZINE

Therefore, Mr. Jar's information revealed a big reaction and it has influenced the stock price of AMD.

in Hardware,   Vehicle, Posted by logc_nt