"Star Wars / Episode 9" is directed by Director & Screenplay by J · J · Abrams of "Awakening of Force"

"Star WarsIt was announced on the official website that J · J · Abrams supervised "Episode 9" which is the closing of the new trilogy of the series, and also wrote the script.

J. J. Abrams to Write and Direct Star Wars: Episode IX | StarWars.com

In the "Star Wars" series, the former trilogy was released in 1977-1983, and the new trilogy was released in 1999-2005. George Lucas's original plan was a whole nine-part work, but there was a correction that it was a six-part work at a later time, and the series was completed once with the "Star Wars / Revenge of Sith" published in 2005 .

However, in 2012Disney will purchase Lucasfilm and will release "Star Wars Episode 7" in 2015It is announced that it is. The production of a new trilogy was decided.

Episode 7 "Awakens of Force" released in 2015 is a "Star Wars" fan, and J · J · Abrams, who is known for such as "Star Trek" and "M: i: III", is in charge of director and script . Although I heard a few uneasy voices until launch as a new Star Wars, the published work was convinced that "This is an orthodox sequel of Star Wars".

"Star Wars / Last Jedi" released on December 15, 2017 serves as a director / scriptwriter by Ryan Johnson of "LOOPER / Looper", but in the episode 9 decorating the last trilogy work again J · J · Abrams will be the director.

In addition, the script will be in charge of Abrams and Chris Torrero of "Batman vs Superman Justice Birth". Subheading is still unknown, but the disclosure is scheduled to be released on December 20, 2019.

in Movie, Posted by logc_nt