Three Reasons Why "Personalization (Personal Optimization) Fails"

ByGlen Scott

"Personalization (personal optimization)" that provides contents tailored to users rather than providing uniform content on websites and services is aimed at improving the user's experience (user satisfaction) Although it is an important effort, if you misunderstand how to understand it, you will not get effective results. Three points to be noted are summarized about what kind of points to understand and how to utilize data.

Why Personalization Projects Fail - Erica Smith - Medium

◆ 1. I will chase the segment that is too big
In many web and mobile business models, a single, generalized experience is often dealt with first, but such elements do not require personalization, and it is considerable by itself Since it can establish value (value), it is said that it is already established business model from the beginning.

Even when developing a system with such a business model, data becomes important, but in that case it is often used a highly general access analysis tool like Google Analytics. In that case, it becomes a cycle of "Experience" → "Google Analytics" → "Product Manager" as follows.

Although this method is not necessarily bad, it is said that its effect is limited because target targets are generalized. For example, if 80% of users support it when offering a new service and 20% is not so, the product manager who is responsible for the service will make a decision "let's go with this" In that case 20% of users will be truncated.

But in that case as well, 20% of users will be given "choice of old version" choice by introducing personalization, improving overall user satisfaction. Data to take such countermeasures are not available if you use only data obtained from general tools. By making users require an account registration when using the service, it is possible to aim at improving the overall UX (user experience, user experience value) by following the behavior of each individual and making it data Become.

◆ 2. I will build an experience without using insight or data
A superior UI (user interface) is an easy-to-understand, easy-to-use thing, so everyone should aim for it. However, this also means that it is not possible to make a good one unless it is based on data and insight (user's voice, real intention). The greatest value that can be gained by personalization is not based on appearance or behavior, but it is said that insight is how much enjoyment can be given to users.

The important thing is not to fall into just the glitter of the appearance, how to reflect the insight obtained from the data well in the design, and to penetrate the whole site.

◆ 3. I think that importance of insight is small
Once the system starts to move and the data gathers, traps are still hiding. It is said that if you use only the data that starts to align right away, as well as the strong feelings, if you do not care about insights that need more data, you can not take effective measures.

Rather, insight should be recognized in the position which can be said as the foundation of other factors. First we have data, we need to emphasize the flow of finding insight from it and reflecting it in the new experience.

And once a new experience is born, personal data will start to work if data is taken, the next experience from the insight obtained there, ... the next cycle starts to work properly.

in Design, Posted by darkhorse_log