I saw 'Gamagori Festival Nishitake Fireworks Festival' where 3 spectacular Fireworks and 3 Shaku Balls will beat up with a homey atmosphere

""What is a winter fireworks company? I interviewed fireworks makers who are making videos that understand the things I want to know about fireworks, and also watched the fireworks factory"Or""Is there a difference depending on the fireworks company? "I have asked the active fireworks mystery about fireworks secrets and fireworks display pointsI covered inKato Hakko Co., Ltd.In the local Gamagori county, the Gamagori Festival fireworks festival was held on July 30, 2017. In addition to such original fireworks and star mine Kato fireworks can be seen many, this fireworks display the three-feet ball rises hit even 3 shots will report whether it was what kind of fireworks.

Gamagori Festival

The venue of Gamagori Festival Nishitake Fireworks festival is around Takeshima Futo in Gamagori City, Aichi Prefecture.

Takeshima is the island where the left side is the viewing place, the right side is the launch place, the back island.

It is the state of the launch place at 2 PM. Fireworks preparations were taking place.

Kato Hokkaido Co., Ltd.Visit fireworks factoryThe track of Kato Hazime Fire that I saw when I did.

Discovered at launch site.

When I got to the event headquarters, I was able to meet Mr. Katsunori Kato by chance. I am checking the songs that I shed when launching fireworks.

It is a state of the park around 6 PM. The viewing area is wide, the front row is filled up by noon, but inside the park it was feeling that you can secure a place by laying a seat by 16 o'clock.

Before it gets dark, I read the convention program. Data such as the size and weight of the fireworks and commentary on types of fireworks such as chrysanthemum and peony were written.

Pictures and comments of fireworks are posted in various parts of the program.

At 6:30 pm, fireworks were dragged from the quay and installed between the viewing area and the launch site.

At 7:30 pm, fireworks is onset. From the simultaneous striking of 10 shaku balls suddenly, it first changed from wide open to flashing, then ......

Small flowers bloom. In the type of fireworks it will be of the type called 1000 throws, but there are also fireworks titled as original fireworks of fireworks companies, the fireworks above are "silk flowers", here the name "silk bouquet" It is attached.

If you know the original fireworks of a fireworks company in this way, you can enjoy more fireworks festival. Detailed commentary by fireworks can be confirmed in the following movie.

【Silk Flower】 Kato Odaiba Corporation Original fireworks - YouTube

Following the simultaneous launch of the opening, Star Mine will be launched. Also singingMarilyn Manson"Doll - Dagga Buzz - Buzz Ziggety - Zag" with hard rock, "Parapara" "Shuwashuwa" fireworks with sounds will rise in succession and will raise the mood.

Subsequently, No. 4 balls are launched in a single shot in succession. Each company / individual cooperates, and while being launched, the sponsor's name and message are read aloud. In this way, it was a fireworks display of a style in which Star Mine and sponsorship balls are alternately launched.

In a local elementary school there was also a program to make fireworks lecturers and experience experiences, etc. and launch star Mine who children considered production.

Local theme Takeshima elementary school sixth grader 67 people thought about directing The theme of "star mine" is "love".Hoshino SauceFireworks will be launched according to the "Love" of. Heart marks also flipped up in a direction that looks beautiful. As the appearance of the mold changes depending on the angle, it is fireworks with elements of luck.

Fireworks with vivid neutral colors, which had been launched even in the middle of the Star Mine is also a feature of Enka Kato. In Gamagori fireworks, various fireworks using this color can be seen in various parts of the program.

In the program "Drawing in the night sky", various types were launched. This is an apple fireworks.

Fireworks of mosquito coils are also reproduced, with the tip red and fire attached.

7:50 pm, one of the features of this Gamagori Festival fireworks display is the launch of the three-scale ball. The three-scale ball is launched at the sea on the Takeshima area. The three-rim ball will go up slowly and heavily.

A three-rim ball opens. It seems that it is striking up from a place about 1.2 km away, slightly less than 3 seconds until the sound disappears.

It spreads widely and the fireworks hang down to the surface of the water.

A total of three Shinkansen balls will be launched during this fireworks display. The first and third shots of this three-sized ball can be confirmed with the following movie.

Three-scale balls 1st and 3rd [Gamagori Festival fireworks display] - YouTube

Another one, next time Star Mine is launched by the directing of the children of the elementary school in Gamagori Northern elementary school. In this Star Mine,Naoto Indiraimi"We have a dream" chorused by ourselves as BGM, and we were able to see Star Mine in an atmosphere inspiring to children's singing voice.

Next, a program will be launched in which the 10 fireworks companies compete for Kuroba and the original fireworks of each company are seen. The first one is Kato Fireworks and the scale ball named "Aquamarine" rises. It is beautifully rounded and shining blue-green with a sense of transparency.

Immediately after, the fireworks blooming in all directions spread.

From Shinshu Fireworks Industry Co., Ltd. is a scale ball named "silver core with pursuing purple lavender red bluish light watch grass". It looks like a spell name, but as you launch it rises while pulling the tail, the center core is silver, the outmost parent star changes from purple to green · red (red) · blue and finally I shine glitter. And inside can decode it as it is mixed with fireworks in all directions like watch hands. The picture shows the scene where the parent star turned into a purple color.

At the end of the scene of the "light dew" shining glittering.

Margaux Co., Ltd.It is "Momota peony with rising song" from. This scale ball is a fireworks changing color to move. The top is red, the bottom is blue.

The top is blue, the bottom is red, not only one time but also many times swapped quickly.

At the end, it will disappear for each part by time difference. In this way, there was also a program that was fascinating to enjoy the fireworks that devised each company's ingenuity.

Fireworks with movement that changes color and shape should be watched with animation. Competition of Kurobama by 10 fireworks companies can be confirmed in the following movie.

Conquest of Kurobama 【Gamagori Festival Nishitake Firework Festival】 - YouTube

You can also see Star Mine of the type that drives into the sea ... ...

Exploding fireworks set on the sea, plenty of fireworks situations as well.

Many of Star Mine can be launched with the cooperation of companies and organizations, but the program "Shiawase Z" is a star mine of individual sponsorship.Momoiro Clover ZFireworks will rise according to "WE ARE BORN". As I met with those who were co-sponsored, Mr. Kato asked the story "Mr. Kato listened to hope with comfort", such as "SoroPart is able to respond to the color matching the color of the singing member" That thing.

In the midfield and onwards, the shakuhachi (No. 10 ball) will be launched even with a single sponsorship fireworks program. I found a big Gamagori oranges.

In the final stage, a thousand rings with florets opened on the sky were launched several times, various thousands of rings were seen, including coloring thousands of mixed colors, thousands of white, thousand rings of reds .

Lastly, it is an oversized Star Mine "beating heart of Gamagori".Christopher TinFireworks will be launched according to "Sogno di Volare".

Leonardo da VinciIt is a star mine that expresses the lyrics that dreams of "Fly to the sky" "Mind to the sky".

In the middle stage, a crowd of cheers caught a crowd of people from the left to the right, from the right to the left, a thousand rings using silver florets close to white and stars with neutral colors were launched.

Before we reach the final stage, a big silver fireworks opens.

In a smooth flow from silver to golden crown (to Kamuro).

It is the biggest mountain range, the succession of Jinnukuro (Kameno).

At the end, wide tigers spreading out in fan shape are launched all at once, the oversized Star Mine "beating heart of Gamagori" is over.

Fireworks' photographs and messages are on the program, Fireworks show themselves fireworks to local elementary school students and together make Star Mine, fireworks and local Gamagori people are close to the distance of the home atmosphere and It was a fun fireworks display that you can taste the fireworks of Kato Fireworks "I want to make fireworks that people watching are happy".

Oversized Star Mine "Beating of Gamagori" can be confirmed in the following movie.

Oversized Star Mine "Beat of Gamagori" 【Gamagori Festival Nishitake Firework Festival】 - YouTube

The movie that recorded this fireworks display from the beginning to the end can be confirmed below.

Gamagori Festival Nishitake Fireworks Competition 2017 Part 1 - YouTube

Gamagori Festival Nishitake Fireworks Competition 2017 Part 2 - YouTube

Gamagori festival fireworks display 2017 Part 3 - YouTube

· Articles related to Kato Firefly
"Is there a difference depending on the company that makes fireworks?" I asked the active fireworks mystery about fireworks secret and fireworks display points - GIGAZINE

"What are you doing in winter fireworks companies?" Interviews with fireworks makers who produce videos that show you the things you want to know about fireworks, and also watched the fireworks factory - GIGAZINE

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