Production stops at iPod nano and iPod shuffle, it will be over in about 12 years history

ByKeng Susumpow

IPod classicIt became obvious that the manufacture of iPod shuffle and iPod nano will also be canceled in 2017 when three years have passed since discontinuation of production.

Apple discontinues iPod nano and shuffle and doubles iPod touch capacities to 32GB and 128GB | TechCrunch

TechCrunch on the technology news site inquired Apple, "We simplified the lineup of iPod using the two models of iPod touch, manufacture of iPod shuffle and iPod nano will be canceled" It is said that. Both iPod shuffle and iPod nano are devices that first appeared in 2005, and it will close the curtain to its history in 12 years from the launch.

From left to right, the 5th generation (launched in 2009) is the first generation of iPod nano (released in 2005), the second generation (released in 2006), the third generation (released in 2007), the fourth generation (released in 2008) It looks like the fourth generation.

ByWolf Gang

And it is a very compact terminal like the cap of the 6th generation (released in 2010) iPod nano plastic bottle.

ByCarlos Varela

The seventh generation of iPod nano (released in 2012), which became the last model which made it the latest, is the iPhone-like design whose display size has expanded.


IPod shuffle is a complete music playing player that just plays music that contains no display etc at random. The white stick at the back is the first generation (released in 2005), the right is the second generation (released in 2006), the left is the third generation (released in 2009)


The 4 th generation (released in 2010) will be the latest model.

ByHajime Nakano

By discontinuing the production of iPod shuffle and iPod nano, the terminal with the name "iPod" becomes "iPod touch" only. At the same time, Apple sold iPod touch of 199GB (about 22,000 yen), a 16GB model and a $ 299 (about 33,000 yen) 64GB model, but with the new $ 199, 32GB , It sells a 128GB model at 299 dollars, and it is now able to get a larger capacity model at the same price.

It is obvious that demand for iPod shuffle and iPod nano terminals such as music players has decreased due to the iPhone's appearance. Today, with the arrival of Apple Music it is no longer necessary to own music data by yourself.

The fact that iPod nano has not been updated over the past five years is undeniable evidence that Apple focused on iOS devices that can run other applications, and for Apple as an application for iPod It is clear that the most important thing is "Apple Music". So "TechCrunch guesses why support for terminals that are not compatible with Apple Music is almost meaningless to Apple," why they decided to stop manufacturing iPod shuffle and iPod nano.

in Hardware, Posted by logu_ii