"Sheikah Switch Mod" which remodeled the Nintendo Switch with the legend of Zelda is oversawful and it gets a hand out of his throat The result you want

As a launch title for NintendoThe strongest startOn June 30, 2017Download content first"Champion of trial" will be released and increasingly strong "The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild". To its overwhelming world viewDoumariToCelebrityAlsoManyAlthough it has come out, the hero who has imagined Nintendo Switch by imagining the work appeared, and if it is a fan, it is likely to become wanting as much as you want a hand from the throat.

Sheikah Switch Mod, by MakoMod - YouTube

Nicknamed "Sheikah Switch Mod", this Nintendo Switch will be released in the Legend of Zelda series "SeekersIt was remodeled by imagining the image.

Sheikah Switch Mod is an original specification customized to buttons, not just a modification that is commonly used when customizing game machines "change the appearance by pasting the seal".

The A / B / X / Y button has become Hiria letters appearing in the Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild,Hiria letters A / B / X / YIt is written.

Since the sensor at the bottom of Joy - Con (R) is showing a firm face, it can be used well when playing other than Zelda 's legend Breath of the Wild.

Decorations are added around the display, but you can store it in the dock without problems.

The body is painted in gold and it has a gorgeous atmosphere.

Joy-Con looks just like this.

Nintendo Switch side surface and various buttons and covers are not left behind.

There is a crest of the seeker in the dock, and it shines dubiously.

Of course Joy-Con can be removed and removed smoothly from the main body.

You can see that the backside of Joy - Con is wrapped in something like a wooden case like this.

Design that melts naturally

Even if it is falling in the forest, it seems to stepped on without noticing it.

The producer'sMakoModHas released the production process on Twitter, and the production period is about 3 and a half months. Since you can see the process of transforming ordinary Nintendo Switch into Sheikah Switch Mod, you may be able to imitate with the idea and technology.

Production started from a very ordinary Nintendo Switch

It seems that you are making a pattern paper for Joy-Con cover.

When I attach a wooden cover to Joy-Con it looks like this. If you think that a seal is pasted or not, you can see that the wooden case has a firm thickness if you look around the button.

When I attach Joy-Con to the Nintendo Switch body, this way.

Then attach the decorations with golden embroidery around the display of the Nintendo Switch body.

There is a logo of "The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild" and something like a paper printed with a triforth appearing in the legendary series of Zelda ......

The logo was added to the left and right Joy-Con.

Nintendo Switch body also painted gold. The logo added to Joy-Con is adjusted to exquisite color fading condition.

Then cover the joystick and various buttons with the original cover. Impression that overall sense of unity has increased.

However, it seems that 45% of the total is still completed.

Joy-Con's L · R button was not yet painted.

Make crests of the seekers with clay-like things.

This coalesces with the dock.

Afterwards it is complete if fine painting etc. is done.

In addition, Sheikah Switch Mod was exhibited on eBay of the Internet auction site at the time of article creation, and the price rose to 610 euro (about 79,000 yen).

'Sheikah Switch Mod', the Zelda Breath of the Wild custom console by MakoMod | eBay

MakoMod, who is the creator of Sheikah Switch Mod, has also remodeled game consoles, and there are overwhelmingly detailed PS 4 which was made by imagining Akuak which appears in the crash · Bandicoot series.

This remodeled PS 4 is the Spanish PlayStation officialPlayStation EspañaIt is being introduced on YouTube by.


in Hardware,   Video,   Game,   Design, Posted by logu_ii