Microsoft announces "Fluent Design System" to develop better design applications

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In the developer conference "Build 2017" being held in Seattle by Microsoft, a design system for cross-platform "Fluent Design SystemWe announced.

Fluent Design is Microsoft's new Metro UI for Windows and more - The Verge

The new Windows UI: Microsoft Fluent Design System | Ars Technica UK

As part of the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, Microsoft introduced the Fluent Design System as part of Windows 10. Fluent Design System is Microsoft'sMetro DesignIt is a design system that is designed to be a true successor to Windows and can be used for designing applications and services provided for multiple platforms such as Windows / iOS / Android. Of course, it can be used for other applications and VR related designs, and it is based on "Microsoft Design Language 2" used in the design of Windows 10.

This is also a design system as a guideline in Microsoft's Windows 10 design renewal plan "Project NEON".

Plan to redesign the design of Windows 10 "Project NEON" - GIGAZINE

On the Build 2017 stage where the Fluent Design System was announced, Microsoft's Joe Belfier explains, "Fluent Design will appear on Windows shells, applications and devices." Microsoft's Fluent Design System focuses on the five elements of light, depth, movement, material and scale, and when applied to Windows 10, it seems that the design seems to be moving.

In fact, what kind of design can be made with Microsoft's Fluent Design System can be understood by seeing the following movies, and certainly icons and design elements move smoothly.

Microsoft Fluent Design System - YouTube

The fact that Fluent Design System is called "design system" instead of "design language" is useful not only for visual appearance but also as a system for defining interactivity. It supports various input methods such as mouse, keyboard, motion controller, voice, gesture, touch and pen, and it also helps to optimize these for various devices such as AR · VR · smart phone · tablet · PC .

Mr. Kevin Gallo, vice president of MicrosoftTechCrunchIn response to the interview of the Fluent Design System, "Our team tried to provide a system that makes it easier for developers to write more" nice apps "."

Microsoft has announced that Fluent Design System will gradually be adopted on Windows 10, and it seems that it will gradually become visible from now on in the update. Aaron Woodman, Microsoft's director, said, "This will be a journey," suggesting that design changes on Windows 10 will appear gradually over time. In addition, it seems that some applications contain design elements of Fluent Design System, and Microsoft's music application "Groove Music"Fluent Design System" transparency "element can be seen.

in Software,   Video,   Design, Posted by logu_ii