Adults enthusiastic about simple game "Chairball" which puts ball thrown on chair seat

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A game in which a chair whose seat portion is dented a little is placed on the wall and throws a ball from the place where it gets well on the seat "Chairball", But anime"RWBYKnown for such asRooster TeethIt seems to be prevalent in the company, and it is released on YouTube that making excitement by making use of its technical capability making unique scoreboard system and tournament table.


Andy Cortez, Rooster Teeth designer and Chairball's co-founder, explains the rules.

The player stands at the wall and throws the ball towards the chair placed on the other side of the wall.

If you can successfully kill the ball's momentum and put it on the seat, you get 3 points. If you hit a chair without riding it is 1 point.

Players and spectators are delighted with three points.

"Official score board" is also set up.

This is Game Engineer and Jeff Chamberlain, who is in charge of scores.

Three buttons of blue, white and red are prepared at hand ... ....

Push the blue button when the ball gets on.

Likewise, if you hit a chair it will be white, if you do not hit the red you will push the red, each score will be added. Although it seems to be good just by using a whiteboard, the seriousness of adults around to make it all bothersome is wonderful.

This is a tournament table. Chairball that animation production team and game production team are gathering and having fun at lunch time, but the requirement of power which can not be thought of as a very relaxing play is how.

Brian · Riley, who is the same co-founder of Chairball as Cortez also participates in the war ... ...

The ball rolled down from the seating surface ......

I'm stoked.

The art director, Patrick Rodriguez, is a "newcomer" by Chairball.

But this ball gets on a brilliant seat ...

A big fuss.

Rodriguez who wins and dances.

VFX artist Quentin Holts, who is the "villain" if you win one final score, will win.

If you score one point, you only have to hit the chair. Mr. Holtz, calm down to secure a point firmly on the chair here.

I got a cigar of the winning prize and this expression.

When the "Games" was over, everyone got scattered to work.

in Video, Posted by logc_nt