Hat Locker's director made a movie, the trailer was releasing the largest "Detroit Riot" in the United States who gave 43 dead, 1189 injured, 1,29 wounded, and 7,200 arrested people

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A film that won the award for the 82nd Academy Award "Heart · locker"Directed by Kathryn Bigelow"DETROIT"Will be released on August 4, 2017. In 1863New York Conscription Riot, In 1992Los Angeles riotIn 1967 that it was the third largest in American historyDetroit RiotIt is a movie based on, "The riot in an urban area was only the beginning", and the hidden truth behind it is drawn.

DETROIT | Official Trailer - YouTube

The actual news video of Detroit riot that happened in 1967 flows. He smoked a second, and the west side of the city area was a no-entry area.

The Army was introduced, and the situation is like a battlefield around.

The police and the black citizens had the form of confrontation.

The one who plays the hero's policeman is "Star Wars / Force's Awakens"FN - 2187 / John Boyega of Fin role.

Army is introduced in Detroit which is the site of riot, but ......

At this time, there is still a calm atmosphere, and police officers can also see spectators distributing coffee to soldiers.

However, the riots in the well known Detroit city were just the beginning.

A certain motel.

In the room and the pool side, parties are spreading.

A handgun taken out there.

Breath fellows.

Men suddenly pointed their guns "... what are you doing in my city!"

A gunshot resounds in the town that I was tightening.

However, in fact it was a toy gun, and it only sounded. My friends laugh at the joke.

... ... but, with the misunderstanding that the gun was fired, the outside is in heavy caution.

The military gathers and the motel is besieged by the police.

And ...

All the police shoot fire.

Bullets are driven into a room of the motel, and those who were there frantically lay down on the floor.

And a strict interrogation begins by police officers who came in.

There was a policeman who plays Boiega on the spot.

Among extreme conditions, white girls holding hands and young people of black people.

A gun is held in the hands of a policeman who tells us "Where is the gun and it will stay overnight"

An army soldier stands outside the building ... ...

The door is closed, the inside is a completely closed room ... ....

In addition, the movie is scheduled to be released in the United States on August 4, 2017, and the disclosure in Japan is undecided at the time of writing the article.

in Video,   Movie,   Anime, Posted by darkhorse_log