Movie that robots break through CAPTCHA certified "I am not a robot"

If you are using the Internet, to prevent access from malicious programs (bots) trying to log in for unauthorized useCAPTCHAYou should have seen the message "I am not a robot" at the site where certification is introduced. A movie that breaks this CAPTCHA in a way that the robot obliquely rises in anticipation is released.

Robot beats "I am not a Robot" Captcha - YouTube

It is the arm type robot that challenges CAPTCHA this time.

I'm not a robot (I am not a robot) "on the screen of the PC, prove that it is not a bot (program) by checking the check box on the left side of the message I will.

The robot grips the stylus pen firmly and operates the trackpad. The mouse cursor displayed on the screen will move toward the check box.

Moved the mouse cursor to the check box. Just click the trackpad afterwards.

Lift the stylus pen with the sound of Vienna ......

Click the trackpad while slowly descending.

Successfully clicked without any problems. A check box is checked and it is the moment when the robot overcame CAPTCHA.

CAPTCHA is a technology to prevent unauthorized access by bots, strictly speaking, "Robot beats" I am not a Robot "Captcha" did not break through CAPTCHA, but a movie made as a joke. Even if you manipulate a real robot and break through CAPTCHA like this time, there is nothing wrong with it, so it is no problem to imitate at home.

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log