Points to make peacefully convincing without causing a fight when the opponent's "fact" is wrong
ByStefan Lins
Many people have experienced that they developed into a major dispute that they did not expect when they pointed out that the "facts" that people believe are incorrect. This is to say that those who pointed out are going to say "a mistake of simple facts", but those who pointed out feel that "their view of the world is being threatened"Skeptic magazineFounder and special researcher at Chapman UniversityMichael Shermar"He says. It is summarized in Scientific American as to why such a thing will happen, and how to point out errors of facts peacefully without causing disputes.
How to Convince Someone When Facts Fail - Scientific American
For example, suppose that all things in heaven and earth were created by God "CreationismOne of the reasons why people who believe in fossils and DNA derive from fossil DNA are concerned that religious faith will be hindered by nonreligious powers. On the other hand, some people suspect a major pharmaceutical company and think that "the pharmaceutical industry is corrupt" and deny vaccination. They are based on papers that were once released and later withdrawn that "vaccines cause autism". People who believe that the September 11 terrorist attack on 11 September 2001 is a conspiracy by the US government should pay attention to the melting point of iron "Since the temperature of the fire caused by jet fuel is below the melting point of iron, steel It is funny that the collapse will happen "and the collapse of the World Trade CenterFalse flag strategyI think.
As mentioned above, the background of people who believe in inconsistency and facts deeply includes "Cognitive dissonance"And" back fire effect "exist.
Cognitive dissonance, psychologistLeon FestingerIn 1956 I wrote "When prediction goes away - Elucidate a certain group of contemporary that foretold the destruction of this worldWhat is written in. In this book, when the prophecies of a certain cult group believed "Space ships come at this date", the cult group does not recognize the mistake but propels faith by raging and propagating faith It has been stated that the prediction was made from one to the next to eliminate discrepancies in their recognition.
Examples of cognitive dissonance include the Aesop's narrative "Sour grapesSometimes it is cited. In the story, the fox recognizes the two facts "there are sweet grapes" and "grapes can not be eaten", but when the fact that "grapes can not be eaten" can not be changed, the fox is "sweet We will recognize that there is such a grape "and think that" that grape is first so ". Thinking that smokers are "smokers and longevity people" is also due to the same cognitive dissonance. This can be said to "those who deeply believe in things". Cognitive dissonance will arise when a person is denied that "fact" is later denied that a person had two elements "a view of one's own world" and "the fact that supports it" Because the view of the world can not be easily changed, people will twist the perception of the facts.
ByRoberto Verzo
Also,"(PDF file)Back fire effect"Was studied by Professor Brendon Nyan of Dartmouth College and Professor Jason Effler of Exeter College. Suppose, for example, an article of content that ascertains a widely-known wrong subject such as "weapons of mass destruction in Iraq" is passed to the subjects. Lateralists will accept new articles and delete older articles after a correction article on the subject enters, such as "We could not find weapons of mass destruction." But conservatism people who supported the war not only did not accept new information, but also confirmed the existence of weapons of mass destruction more strongly, claiming that "Saddam Hussein concealed or destroyed". According to researchers, among conservative people actually, even after concluding that the Bush administration himself had "no weapons of mass destruction", "even before the US invaded, Iraq owned weapons of mass destruction Many thought that there were many people. "Within doubtful groups, correction of misinformation will further deepen misunderstandings, because" correction "threatens the view of the world and the self-concept of the person," researchers said It was.
In other words, pointing out that people who believe in something deeply are erroneous about the facts that are the basis for them is regarded as threatening the person's world view itself. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate that "point out is not threatening the world view" when denying the "fact" that someone believes even if it is really wrong. From this and his own experience, Mr. Shelmer raises the following six points when pointing out the other's mistake.
1: It will not be emotional.
2:Human traffickingDo not do sophistry and sophistry. Discuss without attacking.
3: Listen carefully and state the opinions of other positions accurately and clearly.
4: Respect.
5: I admit that I understand "why the other person has that opinion".
6: I try to show that it is not necessary to change the view of the world just because the fact that the other person believes has changed.
Although the above content does not necessarily work well, Shellmer says that it may help people avoid unnecessary division.
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