I tried plenty of cheese new work "GCC Super 4" which used the original fabric of "Mimi" boasted by Pizza Hut
From the pizza hut where you can choose a lot of variations of pizza cloth fabrics among the delivery pizza chain, new cheeses that you can eat deliciously until your side Pizza with plenty of "GCC Super 4"Has appeared. It is a very cheese-made dish that the pizza's withered part contains cheddar cheese on the surface and mozzarella cheese on the inside, and in addition the toppings are "Potato Bata Bacon", "Dolce Porco & Juicy Meat", "Pulkogi Potayamayo" Because it is said that four kinds of "crimson crab & aged bacon asparagus" are luxuriously served, I actually ordered and tried it.
Mimi's original gcc super 4
That's why I ordered the L size of GCC Super 4 at Pizza Hut. When iPhone 7 is put on L size box it will be like this.
Opening the box with pakari spreads the fragrance of cheese and wiener into the room with a sense of awkwardness.
The toppings of GCC Super 4 are white pizza with sliced bacon is "Potato Bata Bacon"
Pizza with tomato sauce full of wine and bacon is "Dolce Polco & Juicy Meat"
"Pulkogi Potayo Mayo" where brown meat and blue leaves were topped
Four types of crab, asparagus and bacon "red crumpled & aged bacon asparagus".
The dough uses plenty of cheese inside and outside the trash, and you can see from the appearance that it is crisp and finished.
Try lifting a piece of pizza and you will see a mozzarella cheese trolley from the pizza part.
I actually try to eat. First of all, when I tried "potato butter bacon", the flavor of mayonnaise was quite strong, and the potatoes were plentiful and the Potayo Mayo was on top of the pizza. Cheese is also plentifully topped, so it's pretty good to eat, especially small children seem to like it.
Next I will eat 'Dolce Polco & Juicy Meat'. This is a pizza with the most orthodox taste among the four tastes, which is distinguished by potato bacon and distinguished by the fresh acidity of tomatoes and the juicy taste of wiener and raw ham.
Especially thick bacon is juicy, and the umami of meat spreads in the mouth chewily.
This is "Purukogi Potayo Mayo". The compatibility of sweet and seasoned bulgogi with mayonnaise is outstanding, so potatoes are casually lurking here so it gets stuck on my stomach more than it looks.
The last to eat is "Red Crimson Crab & Mature Bacon Asparagus", when you put pizza in your mouth the crab fragrance spreads steadily. However, it tastes like cheese, bacon, asparagus and so on. The opinion that "It seems that you put the gratin on the pizza" also jumped out.
As we continue to eat pizza, there are cases where only the spot remains, but the pizza of GCC Super 4 is baked caliciously on the surface, and when put in the mouth the crispy texture and fragrant smell of cheese good. Because mozzarella cheese is contained in it, it has become a pizza that you can eat deliciously just by your side with cheese making from the beginning to the end.
In addition, GCC Super 4 is about 26 cm in diameter M size is 2380 yen tax excluded, L size of 31 cm in diameter is 3130 yen tax excluded, and a campaign is also under way to maximize 400 yen for orders from the web.
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in Tasting, Posted by logu_ii