Google is beginning to improve search algorithms due to the problem that a discrimination site saying "There was no Holocaust" appears at the top of the search

Nazi · Germany massacred the Jews during the Second World War "Holocaust"Google searches have been regarded as a problem that the discriminatory site (hate site) of the principle / assertion that" Holocaust was not found "is lined up in search results. In response to this criticism, Google is quickly undertaking to change search algorithms.

Official: Google makes change, results are no longer in denial over 'Did the Holocaust happen?'

The problem of the search result that the discriminatory principle / assertion site such as "There was not actually such as the Holocaust" is high ranked is not limited to the positioning that Google is one search service any longer, and it is to be called "Internet infrastructure" The fact that it is a problem caused by growing up is explained in the following article.

Disadvantages of search results confronting Google reaching the network infrastructure beyond mere services - GIGAZINE

Google, criticized for the Holocaust search problem, officially acknowledged that it addressed this problem by changing the algorithms that affect the search results.

Search Engine LandGoogle is, ".Google Google is that was created to be able to provide search results that can be reliable with high quality to people, offer a wide range of a wide variety of content obtained from a variety of sources of information for the user to and effort to so that it can be, we are committed to the principle of "free and open web." it is always correct in challenging problems which web site to determine whether the most appropriate result for the query the answer does not necessarily put out. when the incorrect search results are ranked at the top of Google search, in order to correct the problem, it has been automated so that it can support a large number of search rather than deleting the results manually methods to develop. and, Google has recently improved the algorithm so as to be able to display a reliable content in a more high-quality .Google is taken to these challenges And in partnership, we will continue the improvement of the algorithm "and we responded.

Searching by entering "did the holocaust happen", the search results of around 1 pm on December 20, 2016 are as follows.

However, in the search result of 2:45 am the next day, you can confirm that the search ranking of the site "Top 10 reasons why the holocaust did not happen (10 reasons why the Holocaust does not occur)" begins to decline I will.

Since Google has many data centers around the world, it is expected that it will take several days for the search results by the new algorithm to be reflected. However, it is reported on Twitter that the results of the new algorithm appear.

However, for Google's new algorithm, we cite the example of Microsoft's search service "Bing"Holocaust denialAs pointed out that it is more effective to display the Wikipedia page on the top of the fact that there is a discrimination activity denying the Holocaust saying that it is effective, the problem still remains.

It is also a matter of time to develop SEO means to counter new algorithms and arbitrariness problems such as how to reflect the results of what kind of results in which positions and how to put them in the algorithm are also taken into consideration, Problem solving is difficult, and it seems that Google's search algorithm ranking algorithm construction is expected to continue to improve in the future.

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log