Like a science-fiction film, a movie that moves the manned biped walking robot "METHOD-1" with a 4 meter large body

He was in charge of concept artists at popular game maker · Blizzard Entertainment (Blizzard) game "StarCraft Starcraft"Vitaly BulgarovIs a 4 meter gigantic robot that allows people to get in and move limbs "METHOD-1We are promoting a project to develop a movie that shoots the state of the walk test and the arm motion test.

Below is a state of walking test of METHOD-1. You can see that stable walking is realized by shifting the weight to the left and right.

4 m tall robot walking test! The ground is shaking when you are standing next to it :) So excited! # Koreafuturetechnology # mech # robot # mannedrobot # walkingtest # design

Vitaly Bulgarov (@ vitalybulgarov) submitted video -

A person enters a cockpit called "Human Machine Interface", and it seems that the robot arm is freely moving in conjunction with the lever of the cockpit.

Very fortunate to be part of the incredible "Korea Future Technology" team. # Koreafuturetechnology # industrialdesign # robot Human-machine interface and arm motion test! "METHOD-1" large manned robot project # Mech

Vitaly Bulgarov (@ vitalybulgarov) submitted video -

A state of the walk test which understands impressive foot motor rotation well is also uploaded.

To answer one of the most common questions what is this for I want to say for now is a mechanical / software / hardware / electric engineering stand point it was quite an ambitious project That growth opens up many real world applications where everything we have been learning so far on this robot can be applied to solve real world problems. (I'm not just talking bipedal robots ) One of such projects is already in this moment. For those who thought it was fake here is a phone video where I walked too close to it and had to pulled back lol # Koreafuturetechnology # robot # mech # walktest

Vitaly Bulgarov (@ vitalybulgarov) submitted video -

Bulgarov is engaged in designing METHOD-1 at Korea Future Technology in Korea. Although METHOD - 1 shown in the movie is still in the prototype stage, it reaches the level where robots of design like SF movies and games actually operate. Two robot arms extending from both sides of the cockpit can be moved according to the movements of the arm of a person to board, and it is possible to reproduce not only the type, the elbow, the wrist but also the movement of the finger.

Your FacebookBulgarov says, "I will refine both ergonomics and beauty in the framework, exterior design, cockpit design, there are a lot of improvements, but we plan to work from the viewpoint of mechanical engineering and industrial design," We are aiming to build a practical and reliable robot platform that can use various applications in the future. However, because Mr. Bulgarov is involved as a designer in the film industry such as movie studios, Paramount, etc., the project of METHOD - 1Possibility to be part of viral marketingHave also been pointed out.

The movie of YouTube which summarizes the movie of METHOD-1 published by Bulgarov has also been released, and it can be seen from the following. Clips not listed on the Instagram page are also included.

"METHOD - 1" manned robot project by "Korea Future Technology" (주) 한국 미래 기술 & amp; Vitaly Bulgarov - 1 - YouTube

"METHOD - 1" manned robot project by "Korea Future Technology" (주) 한국 미래 기술 & amp; Vitaly Bulgarov - 3 - YouTube

"METHOD - 1" manned robot project by "Korea Future Technology" (주) 한국 미래 기술 & amp; Vitaly Bulgarov - 4 - YouTube

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log