I tried to eat "Achillo style of chicken ramen bowl chicken" full of scent of garlic oil
In the chicken ramen bowl series that can eat Nissin chicken ramen in a cup, arranged in traditional Spanish traditional cuisine / ahijo style with a characteristic scent of garlic oilChicken ramen bowl chicken's ahyejo style"Has appeared. I decided to eat the new ramen that it contains ingredients such as chicken, cabbage, corn and so on which are slightly bigger thanks to the flavor and taste of fragrant garlic oil.
"Chicken Ramen Bowl Chicken Ahyejo Wind" (November 14 Release) | Nissin Food Group
"Chicken ramen bowl chicken 's ahijo style" that I got immediately. It was sold at convenience stores and supermarkets, etc. It was sold at convenience stores at 194 yen including tax.
This ramen is supposed to be eaten with garlic oil in the finish.
In addition to regular chicken ramen noodles, flavored chicken, cabbage, corn, red belle pepper, seasoned shiitake mushrooms etc are used quickly, and garlic seasonings etc. are used for oil.
The energy is 407 kcal per meal, and the equivalent salt equivalent of noodles and soup is 5.3 g.
When opening the lid, unexpectedly large ingredients such as chicken, cabbage, corn, and seasoning oil with garlic flavor are contained, but olive oil is not used.
3 minutes after putting hot water, if the noodles get loose, put seasoning oil in the finish, it is the result of chicken ahyejo style chicken noodles.
Thanks to the after-drinking oil, a surprising light surprise that the ahijo flavor of surprisingly realistic is reproduced when trying a single mouth. When I try to eat it with a garlic oil pot filled with crispy garlic oil full of garlic oil floating on my mind, the soy sauce flavor of chicken noodles and garlic oil match and it is not ordinary chicken noodles, but this is one of As a new chicken noodle I felt it was enough "taste". Since the amount of oil is not so much, even if you continue to eat more and more you can eat up to the end without feeling persistent.
The slightly oversized chicken seemed to be given a salt-flavored taste, finished in a taste that makes it feel good to be mixed with the flavor of soup soy sauce and garlic oil.
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