Is it true that "If you say 100 lies, you will become true?"

ByLeo Reynolds

A method for dominating people's thinking "propagandaThere are various techniques, but one of them is "to tell the same contents over and over again". As I heard it repeatedly, I began to think that "it is true?", And studied the actual appearance of what actually happens to the situation that it is truly believed by people as it becomes unnoticed beforehand, has been announced .

BBC - Future - How liars create the 'illusion of truth'

From the old days, "If you tell a lie 100 times, it will become true" is the Nazi'sJoseph GoebbelsA phrase often referred to when talking about propaganda by, and while you hear the same thing over and over even with wrong content, people will believe that it will soon be true · I want to believe It is clear from various studies that there is a phenomenon that it will become.

By listening to the same thing repeatedly, this embraces sort of kind of familiarity in its contents "Simple contact effect"It will lead to thinking wrong things or exaggerated contents different from the original correct contents as" correct "The mistake effect of truth(Illusory truth effect) ", one of the methods used by commerce commercials etc. where politicians believe the contents by repeatedly giving the same speech in front of the masses, and even call this name again It is getting.

ByDaniel Oines

But in the real world, I also know that things do not proceed very simply. Research teams such as Lisa Fazio Associate Professor of Vanderbilt University in the state of Tennessee, USA conduct surveys on how the knowledge already known by the person is influenced by new information given later .

The survey team prepared a pair of "positive" and "false" questions, divided into two groups on the basis of how "familiar" these questions are, and used them for experiments. For example, in fact the question "The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the Earth" is actually to the "known" group, and in fact it is wrong "The Atlantic Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth" The questions were divided into groups of "unknown (probably known)" and participants in the experiment were asked and gathered responses.

According to the results here, the mistake effect of truth strongly appeared as the question of "unknown" group. In other words, it is clear that, even if a person repeatedly heard wrong contents repeatedly due to knowledge in advance, the person's judgment is not affected.


The research team also conducted a series of experiments in which not only "positive / false" questions were asked but also the style was evaluated in 6 levels. As a result, it was also found that by repeatedly providing information, the result of the 6-step judgment becomes high and the tendency to be recognized as "correct" becomes stronger. Based on these results, the research team tends to believe the content by giving it repeated information whether the actual content is correct, but it is wrong, whether it is known or not It is clear that it is clear.

According to Tom Stafford, a psychologist contributing to BBC, "From the viewpoint of psychological science, it is important to see actual figures". According to Mr. Stafford, the research team of Fazio and colleagues revealed that the greatest influence appears when the answer is correct, and no matter how many iterations are repeated, "the right thing is not affected" He pointed out that even though there is no repetition, he actually believes that he thinks that he is more correct than a mistake. From here it is clarified that "repeated acts have the power to make people believe" to be true ", but they can not be overwritten with knowledge they have from the beginning."

ByKatie Lips

If the thought of people is influenced only by the number of iterations, the world will be hard but in reality it is not. At the same time, though people also have the ability to guide answers with the power of "reasoning / logical thinking", it seems to be important to know that there is a limit.

Papers by Fazio et al. 'S research team can be viewed from the following links.

Knowledge Does Not Protect Against Illusory Truth

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log