A community site "OpenBenchmarking.org" that users post and share PC-related benchmark results

"OpenBenchmarking.org"Is a community site that users can post and share the results of various PC related benchmark tests. A variety of benchmark results including Linux and other OS are posted as well as Windows, and it is possible to investigate information that is helpful for system construction.

OpenBenchmarking.org - An Open, Collaborative Testing Platform For Benchmarking & Performance Analysis

OpenBenchmarking.org is a community site operated by Phoronix Media Inc., a Linux information site, where users post information on benchmarks and share information.

More than 900 test results are included, and there are over 4.7 million individual benchmark results gathered.

In the center of the screen, recent posts are displayed all at once.

By clicking on test post appropriately ......

The system that the user posted and the page showing the benchmark result will open.

By looking at various benchmark results posted by users, it is possible to grasp the performance of the system.

In addition to opening individual post links, you can also search for keywords. For example, by searching "Core i7-6700K", you can extract the benchmark postings of the system with Intel Core i7-6700K CPU.

Of course, it is possible to search not only CPU but also graphic board, SSD, motherboard, chipset, OS, benchmark software and so on.

You can also look up representative benchmark data from items on the left side of the screen. "Motherboard Chipsets" examines distribution of yearly share of various chipsets ......

"Gpu Test" allows you to compare the performance of graphic boards.

in Web Service,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log