Traveling slowly on the overtaking lane of expressways is more harmful than speeding

Although it sometimes happens to see a driver who runs slowly overtake lane on highway, it is known that such behavior should be avoided as it causes a traffic accident. By looking at the following movies created by Vox, you can understand why you should not run the lazy lane slowly with a single shot. Since movies are created based on traffic regulations in the United States, care must be taken that the concept of left lane and right lane is opposite to that of Japan.

Why you should not drive slowly in the left lane - YouTube

There are two kinds of drivers in the world. One person is irritated by the driver who runs slowly in the left lane.

Vox editorial department and people like him.

The other person does not care at all slowly running in the left lane.

I am a person like me.

However, in general, if a driver with a slow speed lies in the left lane with the meaning of "overtaking lane" for overtaking, a big trouble can be caused by overtaking a fast driver from behind.

A driver who failed to overtake from the right lane forcibly attempted to overtake from the shoulder ......

Contact the car you tried to overtake.

Furthermore, it was a serious accident involving a trailer running in the right lane.

A driver with a relatively slow speed is in the left lane ......

A fast driver coming from behind changes the lane to the right lane to overtake the late driver of the left lane ... ...

It is necessary to change the lane again to the left lane.

Relatively only five miles per hour (about 8 kilometers per hour) Slow drivers are in the left lane ... ...

Multiple crash like the one seen earlier can occur.

I know that the best transportation style is "use left lane only for overtaking".

If fast drivers run in the left lane, the dangerous lane change that leads to an accident dramatically decreases.

If a faster driver came from behind, the driver running in the left lane changes the lane to the right lane ... ...

Everything is resolved. We know that if this is done thoroughly traffic congestion and accidents will dramatically decrease.

However, as for what actually happens, as shown in the picture below, the left lane is crowded and the right lane is rattled.

Often, attention is paid to "Let's use the left lane for overtaking", but it is hardly protected.

The danger of lane change has been proven and even higher than even in the case of speed over travel.

We also know that a driver that is relatively five miles per hour (about 8 kilometers per hour) has a higher risk of causing a traffic accident than a driver that is five miles per hour fast.

Based on this fact, many states in the US are prohibited from running slowly in the left lane.

In 29 states, vehicles traveling at a slower speed than around are obliged to run in the right lane.

In the eleven states that are more severe, it is stipulated that the left lane can only be used for overtaking.

In the past slow traveling of the left lane, which has not been noticed as much as speeding, has been subject to police control by danger in recent years.

In the states such as Washington, Texas, Ohio, there is a massive campaign to crack down the slow lane in the left lane.

"You asked for a stop because you were driving the left lane slowly," a policeman explaining to the driver.

There is a clear fact that it should also not run slowly in the left lane.

It is a German autobahn.

Although this highway without speed limit ... ...

The accident incidence rate is lower than the American free-fay.

The reason for this is that the rule that the right lane is the driving lane and the left lane is the overtaking lane is kept.

In order to reduce traffic accidents and realize a comfortable transportation environment, many drivers are required to firmly understand the meaning of the driving lane and overtaking lane and to keep the rules.

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log