Start full-scale test of transportation service by drone, transportation of medicines and blood for blood transfusion

In the United States, it was announced that the test flight of Drone in the form of government involvement was started greatly. Activities have been promoted mainly in the form of leadership by the private sector, but as the government plays a part of that, it seems that further full-fledged movements will be seen in the future.

Alphabet's Project Wing Delivery Drones to Be Tested in U.S. - Bloomberg Politics

Alphabet will begin testing its delivery drones inside the US | The Verge

In the United States of Amazon and Google's parent company AlphabetProject Wing, AndSuccessful experiment of drone courier deliverySeven Eleven and others are conducting research on drone transportation services, but FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) has banned "Flight without human pilot" or "Flight that extends beyond pilot's vision" so far Because of that, there was a limit in the scope of operation.

However, this time, the initiative that the White House will take the initiative will make it possible to test flight with these restrictions relaxed. Alphabet 's Project Wing will participate in the test, and the development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) etc used for delivery drone and agriculture etc will be advanced. In addition, it is said that the flight is limited to the area dedicated to FAA.

From the White House, releases on initiatives are also being announced.

FACT SHEET: New Commitments to Accelerate the Safe Integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems |

Project Wing requires the drones used for experiments to have a small radio transmitter that grasps the position of the drone and sends it to surrounding drones and the ground administrator. This equipment obliges ordinary aircraft to be installed until 2020, and it can be expected to prevent dangerous approach, collision, and fall in the air by installing equipment having the same function Thing.

For drone that can transport goods, it is expected to be utilized in the field of agriculture as well as utilization for home delivery service. In the United States where vast agricultural land spreads, it is common to spray agricultural chemicals with a small aircraft called "crop · duster" that human beings control, but death accidents due to falls have been followed by a lot of problems and become a major problem in terms of safety It was.

ByRoger Smith

However, as these tasks are automated with a drone and further operation within the reach of the pilot is possible, expectations are gathered because such problem solving will greatly advance. Although it seems that it will be necessary to verify over the next few years to reach practical use, the possibility that society in which many drones fly around will become a reality in the near future is getting high.

In addition, transportation of blood and medicine for blood transfusion using drone is also taken into consideration, and it is also progressing abroad toward realization as well.

Drones will begin delivering blood and medicine in the US | The Verge

California-based startupZiplineUnder the cooperation of the Rwandan government, we started the service of transporting blood and medicines by drone in a part of the country in Rwanda. It will fly like the following.

Drones to Deliver Medical Supplies in Rwanda - YouTube

It will be to use drone in the medical field in Rwanda where vast land spread like the United States, but the company is planning to introduce similar mechanism to the United States. It seems that it takes time to realize yet because there are safety regulations etc. by FAA at the present moment but if it is said to use drone to cope with emergency situation, its utility value is likely to be high.

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log