"Pokémon GO (Pokémon GO)" made your own monster ball type mobile battery perfect for playing

A game looking for Pokemon in the real world "Pokemon GO (Pokémon GO)"Uses the location information of the smartphone to advance the game, use of the mobile battery is recommended as the remaining charge of the terminal decreases while playing. Players who created their own monster ball type mobile battery, which is perfect for playing such Pokémon GO, has appeared.

Hand-made Pokeball Themed Battery Pack / by magicalsuperstore

A monster ball type mobile battery was created by magicalsuperstore of Pokémon GO player. It is made by cutting the plastic into a ball type, painting the color, coating with vinyl, red, black and white coloring is just the monster ball itself.

When charging a smartphone, connect the charging cable to the USB port installed in the center of the monster ball. I installed a battery of 5300 mAh on the inside of the monster ball, and I can charge the smartphone 2 or 3 times. The output is 2.1 A.

When powering the mobile battery, use the micro-USB port at the top of the USB port.

It looks like you are using a monster ball type mobile battery while actually playing Pokémon GO outdoors. According to magicalsuperstore, when you play Pokémon GO, the battery of the smartphone will soon disappear, so it seems that you made yourself a monster ball type mobile battery to want to use a cool mobile battery. Also, it is also the point that people around you who understand Pokémon GO can understand at a glance.

Since the fastener is attached to the side, you can also hang on the bag and become a Pokemon trainer.

Monster ball type mobile battery is under sale on Etsy at handmade market site. The price is 54.10 Canadian dollars (about 4370 yen), and a micro-USB cable for power supply is attached. For shipping to Japan, a shipping fee of 18.60 Canadian dollars (about 1500 yen) or more is required.

Hand-made Pokeball Themed Battery Pack / by magicalsuperstore

in Hardware,   Game,   Design, Posted by darkhorse_log