Completely automated control, as well as charging and battery replacement work for business Drone system "Airobotics" unnecessary
Drone is expected to be used for business purposes more than entertainment, but the major obstacle is the technical difficulty of controlling the drone. Therefore, in order to make use of drones in business, drone system which realizes "complete automation" without any troublesome human beings, which can be easily used by anyone "Airobotics"Has been developed.
For fully automated drone system Airobotics, you can understand it with a single shot by looking at the following movie.
Airobotics - Automated Industrial Drones - YouTube
"Airobotics revolutionizes the drone industry," said Ran Klaus, CEO of Airobotics.

This is a mining facility.

The role that drone plays in a vast and dangerous scene such as a mining site is getting bigger.

As a drone's work, there is a periodic patrol work first.

A drone that can be checked from the air is the best to check if the equipment functions and the workers are working correctly.

There is also a way to utilize the drones that can bird's-eye view from the air.

It is mapping and surveying. By processing the images shot from the air in software, it is possible to efficiently perform the surveying task that required so much human experience.

"There are 100 security cameras in this facility," Klaus said.

At the factory, two cars are patrolling for security check, but drone can also be used for security.

The image of the drone can be checked in real time from a remote place. You can greatly reduce the burden of the security person.

"In addition, there are many dangerous areas in such facilities"

Drone who can investigate in an unattended manner without dispatching people to dangerous places is encouraging to explore dangerous areas.

"The use of drone in such a facility is progressing ... ...."

"It is expensive to outsource to drone specialist"

"There is also a risk that it will cost money to cultivate talent who deal with drones within the company and, in addition, you will not get the results you want."

The drone system of Airobotics that can use such a drone for business at a low price.

The object of the prefabricated building behind Klaus CEO is "drone base" developed by Airobotics. It can be set outdoors in the home of drone developed to respond exactly to every need.

When the roof part opens to the right and left ......

"Drone Port" appears like heliport from inside.

I will use this type of quad-cotter.

This drone base is a facility to serve as a base from which drone departs and arrives.

Airobotics, along with a drone base, will provide a software system to manage drone.

Arirobotics system's largest Uri is "complete automation"

In general drone, although attitude control is automated, human beings control flight control, and it is necessary to manually charge and exchange batteries which can not be avoided by long flight.

However, with the drone system of Airobotics, the drone can take off, fly, and landing automatically according to the flight program, realizing complete automation without the need for charging work.

Droon's flight control is unnecessary so you can check the flight status of the drone over the monitor from a remote place. What human beings do is only check whether the mission given to the drone is surely done.

Drone who finished the planned mission and returned to the drone base.

Landing in place. Of course, it is fully automatic.

When the drone lands, the robot arm carries the battery.

And insert the battery into the drone body. Drone's battery replacement work is also fully automated.

Energy supply completion.

The drone who replaced the battery flew towards the next mission.

In the drone system of Airobotics, "security" or ...

"Traveling work"


It is possible to make drones take over the "work on site checks in case of emergency" without bothering human hands.

Airobotics thinks that the drone business will change dramatically by "complete fully automated".

Airobotics is a startup founded in July 2014 based in Tel Aviv, Israel, with Google's ATAP team Richard Urdridge COO andUpWest LabsWe have earned a contribution of 28.5 million dollars (about 3 billion yen). Airobotics which passed the series B investment round seems to start moving toward the commercialization of fully automatic drone system.
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