Amazon holds "Amazon Picking Challenge" robot system development contest with winning prize of 3 million yen

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Amazon to advance automation of huge warehouse alreadyIntroduced warehouse robotWe are promoting the efficiency of picking work while reducing personnel expenses, but in order to further evolve robot technology, we have also developed a system development contest "beta $ 26,000 a prize of about 3 million yen"Amazon Picking ChallengeWe will hold a meeting.

Amazon Picking Challenge

Amazon, which continues to ship goods one after another from a huge warehouse all over the world, has introduced a robot that performs product picking work, and we are making efforts to improve efficiency on a daily basis.

Amazon introduced warm-up robots 15,000 units to reduce labor costs by up to 100 billion yen - GIGAZINE

The state of the Amazon warehouse where human beings and robots work in cooperation is like this.

However, there are still a lot of tasks that require human work, there is much room for improvement as the work does not complete only with the robot. That's why Amazon is hosted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersICRA 2015(International Conference on Robotics Engineering and Automation 2015) "decided to hold a system development contest" Amazon Picking Challenge ". We will encourage the development of a system that combines hardware and software that can work more efficiently (robot) · software and realize further efficiency improvement.

In the contest, "It is not limited to the following, but it is OK indefinitely OK", but it is almost a prerequisite to use robot technology, although you will ask "to develop your own system." I will.

in Note,   Software,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log