Tesla's EV "Model S" turns out to be a boat that runs over the water in a short time

Electric vehicles (EV) such as Nissan's Reef and Tesla Motors are expected as a next-generation car that changes to gasoline / diesel cars. For the EV without the internal combustion engine, the surprising merit of functioning as a boat when flooding is revealed.

You can see how model S turns into a boat in the following movie.

Tesla Model S swimming. Как Тесла переплыла потоп. - YouTube

This is a picture from Tesla's model S driver's seat taken with a mobile phone in Kazakhstan. Before the flood, because of the water accumulated in the underground tunnel due to the flood, you can see the car stuck.

The driver driving the model S rushes into a puddle that is more than 1 meter deep.

Model S that steps slowly as you step on accelerator. Apparently the car seems to be floating.

In the back monitor, you can check the ripple that model S left.

The "rudder" of the steering wheel is also effective, and I avoid the car which stopped before.

A regular car to stop or ......

With a truck to be stuck ... ...

I succeeded in escaping from the puddle.

As if a model S movie like a boat was released on YouTube, Tesla told me about the waterproof performance of Model S. As if to respond to this voice, Tesla's CEO Eulon Mask said, "I will never recommend it, but model S will be a boat enough if only a little time. ) "Tweet it.

As a model S that does not have an internal combustion engine inherent in an engine car, it is a tricky performance, but if you think of water trouble against the electric system, it seems better not to try except in an emergency.

By the way, even though it is an engine car, if "Isuzu's truck", a bit of flooding is also a mess.

Isuzu fire truck (run running ~ ♪ music change) - YouTube

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log