Fish is smarter than human beings think

ByThilo Hilberer

Fish can identify the shape and color of things despite the small brain,I know the latest studies that I recognize the owner's face. Most people tend to think that fish is not so intelligibly, but according to research it seems that we know things like human beings, that we know that they have equal memory and concentration as they lose to human beings. A lot of movies that explain the nature of fish wiser than human imagination with an easy-to-understand illustration are publishedAsapSCIENCEIt is summarized.

Are You More Forgetful Than A Fish? - YouTube

movies"Finding DollyDolly of the hero of the hero is amnesia, there are many people who believe that fish has poor memory. But I know that the fish is smart as well as human beings.

The figure below is a still picture, but it seems to move to the human eye by the illusion.

And I know that it looks the same for fish.

In the process of evolution fish and human being divided as another species about 450 million years ago.

Nonetheless, while the environment of underwater and land is different, it is the same that we had to evolve under the circumstances that both fish and humans need to capture prey and protect themselves from the enemies that attack them. Therefore, researchers made a hypothesis that fish would be misunderstood as humans.

In the picture below, the red circle on the right should look larger.

However, this is also an illusion effect, in fact the size of the red circle is the same.

A researcher trained the fish to choose a big red circle.

And when I showed the same picture, the fish was red circle of the same size, but the red circle on the right was chosen. In other words, it is understood that the fish is also an illusion.

It is well known that the way that fish looks is not only the same as human beings, but also concentration as human beings. In experiments that investigated the time that human beings can concentrate, it is known that those that were 12 seconds in 2000 were down to 8 seconds in 2016. The cause of this decline is thought to be in Internet terminals such as smart phones and PCs.

On the contrary, it is said that the duration of concentration of goldfish is 9 seconds, which exceeds the human being.

Experiment also knows that fish is excellent in terms of memory ability. First,CichlidPlease give it to me.

Repeat 3 days to give food only from a certain place.

After having kept it in another aquarium for 12 days ... ....

Once again to the original kake, Ciclid said she remembered the place where she was fed.

In the study, it turned out that gold fish has a memory capability of at least 3 months. In addition to distinguishing the shape, colors, and sounds of objects, it is possible to memorize even the way of the maze. As I mentioned earlier, I also know to discriminate the owner's face.

Furthermore, since the fish is very memorable, once it is picked up by a fishing hook, it seems to come to recognize fishhooks as dangerous and avoid them.

However, I know that "fever" is greatly different between fish and human beings. When a human being suffered a wound ......

When a nociceptor receives a stimulus, the brainCerebral neocortexThe signal is sent. Human beings can feel "pain" by such a mechanism.

However, there are no nociceptors in many fish, and since not all fish have cerebral neocortex, the way to feel pain is not the same as humans.

By the way, the movie "Finding NemoIt is said that many people died trying to keep clownfish as a pet when the public was released, and movie officials are worried that the same thing will not occur by finding · dory's release.

in Creature,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log