Newly added functions in next "Safari 10.0" Summary

New features and specifications of "Safari 10.0", which is a standard browser such as Apple's new OS "macOS" and "iOS 10" that are scheduled to appear in the second half of 2016, are published on the developer's page for Apple .

Safari 10.0

【Web API】
◆ IndexedDB support
By implementing IndexedDB, W3CRecommendation standardCompletely compatible with. This makes it possible to save the structure data of the web application to be used offline and to use the API that makes a request to cache a large amount of data on the client side.

◆ It corresponds to programmatic cut and copy
Supports document.execCommand ('cut') and document.execCommand ('copy') JavaScript commands to cut and copy in the program.

◆ CSP 2.0
Enhanced support by including Level 2 of the criteria in content security policy.

◆ Shadow DOM
Shadow DOMCompliant with version 1 standard. It is possible to make it function without fear of conflicting scripts and styles in the page.

◆ ES 6
"ECMAScript 2015" also called "ES 6" is fully supported, and a large evolution of JavaScript is also reflected in Safari.

◆ Internationalization of ES
Known as ECMA-402ECMAScript Internationalization APIThe integration of standards can reflect the user's language, locale, provided language and locale for client side numeric, currency, date and time formats.

◆ Increase DOM compatibility
Safari 10 guarantees to pass the W3C test with compatibility in the same way as many browsers and sites, and it is compatible with other browsers.

◆ 3D Touch event
With 3D Touch for iOS, the touchforcechange event is only called when the touch pressure changes. This event is equivalent to webkitmouseforcechanged in OS XnoWebkit. The value of the force property in the touch object is 0.0 to 1.0.

◆ WebGL
· Supports antialias context creation parameters on iOS. The default state value is true.
· On iOS, alpha context creation parameter supports value false.
· The total number of active WebGLs per page is limited to 16. After the upper limit is reached, the oldest context is destroyed when a new context is added.

【Media Play】
◆ Automatically play inline movies on iOS
· If webkit-playsinline is specified, iPhone's Safari will allow inline playback of videos. A movie without a property starts full-screen playback, but the user can continue playback in the in-line state by pinch-in the movie.
· In iOS, movies without audio tracks and videos with audio tracks turned off can be played back automatically when the page is loaded.

◆ Picture in picture support for OS X
· Safari 10 for OS X supports "Picture in Picture", separating the movie being played and displaying it in a separate window, it can be displayed at the front of the page even while other applications are running.
· Safari Add picture-in-picture control to the default video control.
· When customized HTML5 video control is used, it is possible to add picture-in-picture function by using JavaScript presentation mode API.

[Text function]
◆ WOFF 2.0 support
Since the new Web Open Font Format (WOFF) 2.0 improves the compression ratio of Web fonts, the bandwidth required for font transfer decreases.

◆ Load fonts
· Web developersCSS Font Loading Module Level 3 SpecificationIt is possible to create font faces and read them from scripts and track font loading status.
· Web fonts are rendered text characters are in fontUnicode rangeDownloadable only if included in.

【Layout and rendering】
◆ CSS support for object-position property
The object - position property control can be interchanged with another element. For example, video, img, object etc inside the container box element. This allows the object-position and background-position properties to be used in the same way.

◆ Supports clipping with SVG path
You can clip a more elaborate shape, "CSS Shapes Level 2 specification"Path segments in Bezier curves and shapes of evenodd · path () are available as defined in.

◆ # RGBA and #RRGGBBAA support at color level
"CSS Color Level 4 specification# RGBA and #RRGGBBAA defined in "Available" are available.

◆ Border-image makes new value available
Supports round and space values ​​for CSS property of border-image.

♦ image-rendering makes new values ​​available
Supports crisp-edges and pixelated values ​​with image-rendering property. Affixes are -webkit-crisp-edges and -webkit-optimize-contrast, values ​​apply to crisp-edges.

◆ Support for RTL (letters arranged right to left with horizontal writing such as Arabic script)
It is possible to match the CSS property of the direction when the scroll bar position and form control emerge.

◆ Support for media queries in wider color gamut
Media queries can be applied to CSS or picture elements, and different presentation styles can be applied to content when wider color gamut can be displayed by the device. For example, when applying the color space of the P3 display, it is as follows.

@media (color-gamut: p3) {...}

◆ CSS break property
Supports break-after, break-before, break-inside in CSS properties

◆ With CSS there will be no prefix
The following CSS can operate without "-webkit-".
· Cross-fade
· Image-rendering

【Web Inspector】
◆ WebDriver support
Supports WebDriver with Safari on OS X, fully automatic test of Web contents. A set is provided for the interface of manipulating DOM elements and controlling browser behaviors. You can enable Remote Automation from the Develop menu, and on the server side you can use it if you start it using "/ usr / bin / safaridriver". For information on library integration etc., see "Selenium WebDriver"reference.

Memory debugging
The Web Inspector timeline has been renewed, plots of snapshots of web application memory utilization and heap allocation can be visualized. With these tools it is possible to specify the areas where performance is improved by optimizing memory

◆ High speed sampling profiler
The new JavaScript profiler is capable of sampling with high-speed performance, while moving the code with high accuracy while the debugging tool is disabled. The behavior of the script is accurately recorded on the timeline at full JIT acceleration (runtime compiler) speed.

[Native APIs]
◆ Apple Pay for website
We can provide payment methods for customers' goods and services with easy, safe and privacy guaranteed to customers. For example, it can be used for grocery stores, clothing, ticket sales, reservations, etc. The user can pay with a single touch and can pay for Apple Pay using the user's own Touch ID. Or you can pay by double clicking the side button of Apple Watch. To integrate and use Apple Pay on the websiteApplePay JS Framework ReferenceSee.

◆ Preview action of WKWebView
· Link preview is supported with custom view controller with WK Webbiew. You can use 3D touch Peek and Pop in the application, it becomes a substitute for Safari's popup and the preview action can be customized. Also,WKUIDelegateclass"WebView: shouldPreviewElement:"WebView: previewingViewControllerForElement: defaultActions:"WebView: commitPreviewingViewController:New method applied to.

· "WK WebView"AllowsLinkPreviewProperty defaults to "YES" in iOS 10.0 and later.

◆ Safari view controller
IOS 10's Safari view controller supports changing the background color of the bar. UI control elements already appearing on iOS 9 and color change are integrated, and the in-app experience can be customized for the user with Safari view controller.

◆ Operation related to WK Webbiew at keyboard display
In iOS 10, the object of WKWebView matches Safari's native behavior, the "window.innerHeight" property at keyboard display is updated, and the "resize" event is changed so that it will not be called.

【Safari App Extensions】
It is possible to sell and distribute OS X native Safari extension on the App Store. Content blocker for iOS (ad block etc) can be ported to OS X. OS X applications can be extended to Safari, and script injection and style can be applied to Web contents. For details on the extended function, see "Safari App Extension Programming Guide"reference.

in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log