The fish proved to be able to recognize and distinguish human faces, the possibility that pet fish also remember the owner firmly

ByJoseph Bylund

Dogs and cats clearly remember the owner, prompting and reminding meals. Interdisciplinary electronic journal of open access for all areas of natural science and clinical scienceScientific ReportsAccording to a new study published in the Fish, fish can also recognize and distinguish human faces. Based on the results of this research, there is a growing possibility that the pet fish also firmly recognizes the owner.

Discrimination of human faces by archerfish (Toxotes chatareus): Scientific Reports

Study shows this fish can recognize human faces -

Researchers at the University of Oxford and the University of Queensland who are doing research on Teppo-uo have found that fish can distinguish between "well-known human face" and "unknown human face" with amazing precision. This seems to be the first research result to show that fish has the ability to "distinguish human faces".

There are two eyes, a nose, and a mouth on all human faces. Therefore, in order to distinguish human faces, it is necessary to recognize subtle differences in these common features. Since humans are clever animals with larger and more complex brains than any other creature, it is also easy to distinguish human faces. And it is said that it is also possible to distinguish human faces from nonhuman primates and some birds. However, the fish has very little brain and has never been pressed by the need to recognize the human face in the evolution of the species.

Therefore, until now, there seems to be no study showing that fish has excellent recognition ability.

ByDick Thomas Johnson

However, researchers at Oxford University and Queensland University revealed that fish have excellent recognition ability as "able to distinguish human faces". From this fact, "There is a doubt such as" Do pet gold fish recognize owners? "" Is it possible for fish to recognize each other? "," Jamie White, a reporter of news broadcasting station CNN Mr. So Mr. White is directly asking Dr. Newport of Oxford University who is one of coauthor of the paper.

What did you try to solve in your research?

I wanted to know how well an animal with a simple brain can recognize human faces, but in that respect the fish was a very good choice. The fish's brain does not have the area we are using for face recognition by humans. In other words, as a subject of experiments to ascertain whether a simple brain can perform complicated tasks, the fish was perfect.

What kind of fish is Teppobou?

Teppo-wo is a type of tropical fish, which is a fish that spits out water guns from the mouth to save insects and the like which become food. It is a master of shooting in the animal kingdom.

Why did you use Teppo-wo on research?

Teppo-wo is clearly able to show its own intention with water gun.

How was the experiment done?

In the experiment, I showed two human faces to Teppo-uo and trained to hit a water gun on either side.

How did you train?

In a technique that has been used for a long time, we made it to feed when Teppobou hits a water gun.

How long did it take for training?

In one case, it took only a few days, but it took two weeks. The experiment itself was done about 60 to 90 times.

What was done in the experiment?

We prepared a total of 44 kinds of human faces learned by Teppo-uo and new faces that have never been shown, and conducted experiments to see if Teppo-uo could hit the face it knew. As a result of experiments, Teppo-uo was able to accurately distinguish the face of the human being known with a probability of 81%. Furthermore, changing the photograph to monochrome so as to make it harder to distinguish it, we conducted an experiment with unified head shapes. As a result of experiments, Teppo-uo was able to distinguish firmly the face of the person he knew, and the correct answer rate at that time was 86% It was.

The following movie captured the experiment of Teppo-wo to distinguish human faces. It is clearly understood that the teppo-wo who became a subject is hitting a water gun against the face of a human being reflected on the monitor.

Study reveals archerfish can recognize human faces - YouTube

Is it only human faces that fish can recognize?

For human beings to recognize humans "Behavior style"We use various devices including. However, fish do not use such things. The human face for fish is merely a pattern.

Finally, does the pet goldfish recognize me?

There are 30,000 different species in fish. Blind fish can not recognize humans by eye, but sharks, a type of fish, can also recognize color. Therefore, I think that it is probably possible.

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