What determines your child's gender and how your child's gender changes your life


Thomas Hawk

When it comes to happiness, health, and ways of thinking in people's lives, there are many cases in which the cause and effect are ambiguous, such as 'Did you become healthy because you exercised or did you become healthy because you restricted carbohydrates?' What about human gender? So, the interaction 'What affects the gender of the child born and how the gender of the child born affects the parents' is summarized in the scientific information site Nautilus .

Stress Gives You Daughters, Sons Make You Liberal - Issue 31: Stress - Nautilus

In 1973, American evolutionary biologists Robert Trivers and Dan Willord argued from the fact that ``many mammals are safer in the evolutionary bet to give birth to female offspring than males.'' The gender of the child is not random,' he put forward one hypothesis. ``It is safer to give birth to a female in the evolutionary stake'' means that the male cannot make a child by himself, but the female can make a child by luring the male for just a few minutes. I mean

According to this hypothesis, when supplies were scarce, women were not in their best health, or they were at the bottom of the hierarchy, the sex of the mammal offspring was female to make a safer bet. It is likely that it will become In fact, the relationship between the rate of female births and the environment in which the mother is placed has been confirmed in red deer, cows, and barbary macaque monkeys. When it gets low, a signal is sent to the uterus that 'it's not a good environment right now,' and the blastocyst that makes a man will spontaneously abort,' explains this phenomenon.

Factors other than blood glucose also influence fetal sex. Numerous studies have shown that stressful events such as natural disasters and political upheaval affect the sex ratio in the population. The results of the survey show that the proportion of boys who were born was low. A survey was also conducted on the male-female ratio of children born on 9.11, but while the result was announced that 'the number of boys among the children born among New Yorkers is decreasing', another sample The researcher who examined it announced that 'there was no effect on the male-female ratio.' There is also a study that says, ``Most of the children born to couples who constantly fight are girls.'' In these studies, the stress hormone cortisol is cited as a substance that is likely to affect a child's gender.


Aimee Heart

However, in modern times, there are things that affect society more than scientific factors. That is the trend of 'boys are preferred'. The tendency to prefer boys is remarkable in China, where the one-child policy was taken, but in Google search, there are more searches for 'how to give birth to boys' than 'how to give birth to girls', so boys are also popular in the United States. You will find that you tend to like it.

And just as parents have preferences for child gender, child gender also influences parents. Previous research has found that those with sons tend to be more liberal, while those with daughters tend to be more conservative Republicans, suggesting that the gender of the child is strongly influenced by the political views of the parents. It is said to affect the Stepchildren and adopted children were not excluded from this survey. It has also been found that couples with sons stay married longer than couples with daughters, and fathers with adolescent sons are less happy than other parents. , can be said to be a very important factor in a parent's life.

The University of Chicago answered a questionnaire to residents of the United States that included demographic information such as age, gender, race, and hometown, as well as various issues such as government spending, racial issues, and the existence of God. Sociologists at the University of Kansas, Emily Rauscher and Connelly, focus on the sex of the first child among the responses to the comprehensive social survey. carried out. At this time, couples with adopted children or stepchildren were excluded from the study.

Parents with sons tended to be more liberal, even after excluding stepchildren and adopted children. The result that parents with daughters tend to support the Republican Party is consistent with past research, but what is interesting is that couples with daughters tend to support the Republican Party, which advocates the ban on abortion. There was a high percentage of pro-choices that showed understanding of abortion. This is seen as a reflection of the realistic judgment that abortion is unavoidable compared to the risk that one's daughter will become an unmarried mother at a young age. Further investigation showed that the gender of the child affected parents' political opinions only on sexual matters, not on gun control, immigration, taxation, or welfare.

Of course, I don't know if daughters and sons are actually giving parents new perspectives and changing their minds. But Abigail Weitzman, a sociologist at New York University, found that mothers who gave birth to daughters in developing countries were not only more likely to be abused and abandoned, but were also more likely to have to go to work. Did. Here, the father's will can be seen, ``I want mothers who have sons to take care of their sons at home, but in the case of daughters, I want them to earn money as an addition to the family budget.''

In addition, in developing countries, fathers tend to be competitive and jealous of their sons, and tend to behave in a masculine way. In addition, it has been found that fathers with sons aged 12 to 18 are positive about forcing women to have sex, and are more likely to have sex outside the home and transmit venereal diseases to their families. .

by Chiara Baldassarri

There is really no way to know if one person is influencing another person without going inside the person's head and checking all interactions, including non-verbal ones. Especially when it comes to families, negotiations take place between husbands and wives every day, and there are too many interactions, such as instructions to children, refusals by children, and interactions with people outside the family, and it is almost impossible to connect cause and effect. It is possible.

However, even within a family, it seems that the influence of interaction by 'child's gender' certainly exists.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log