Homosexuality has evolved because of the social 'competitive advantage' for humanity



Given the natural selection theory that living things have more children to survive than others, homosexuality who cannot leave children seems to contradict the law of natural selection. However, Andrew Baron , a professor of biological science at Macquarie University in Australia, said that homosexuality had followed the path of evolution so far because there was a homosexual advantage at the human level other than `` breeding ''. He has published his hypothesis in a new paper.

Frontiers | Prosociality and a Sociosexual Hypothesis for the Evolution of Same-Sex Attraction in Humans | Psychology

Homosexuality may have evolved for social, not sexual reasons

Considering sexual behavior as a `` means to achieve the purpose of reproduction '', sexual activity between same-sex that can not leave children does not seem to match the evolutionary characteristic of `` communicating competitive advantage to children in some way '' You. For this reason, some believe that homosexuality does not follow the process of evolution.

However, a new paper published by Mr. Baron and Mr. Brian Hare , a professor of evolutionary anthropology at Duke University, hypothesizes that `` sexuality has evolved as a result of the evolution of humanity in the direction of increasing sociality ''. Was shown.

For humans and many animals, 'sex' is more than just reproduction. Primates' bonobos also play a role as heterosexuals and homosexuals in situations such as play, social exchange, and food exchange, and both homosexuality and heterosexuality are confirmed when searching for connections between homosexuals and breeding partners It has been.

by Ltshears

From this, researchers argue that 'the purpose of evolving sex should not be limited to 'reproductive functions'.' A survey based on primate social behavior showed that primate cognition and behavioral evolution had been driven by natural selection of characteristics that favored social integration. This phenomenon is called prosociality.

Early humans realized the benefits of group living and took this as a great advantage. Researchers believe that this trend has reduced human invasion and increased communication, understanding, social behavior, and affinity.

Species such as bonobos have evolved towards greater prosociality and have used sexual behavior in a variety of social contexts. It is believed that this resulted in increased gender, increased sexual context diversity, and increased homosexuality.

Baron states that the same thing has happened to the most recent human race. In other words, homosexuals and homosexual attraction have evolved in mankind, as people with homosexual attraction can gain many benefits, such as social mobility , integration and homosexual connections. This sounds contradictory, given that homosexuality has followed the history of persecution, but this argument makes sense in discussions at a more primitive level rather than in religion or legal structures. Is considered.

Many studies published by Alfred Kinsey, who are said to have opened the horizons in the field of sexual science, and studies by modern scientists, show that sexual minorities exist in all cultures, and that It is emphasized that the percentage of sexuals in the population has stabilized over time .

Recent genetic analysis has shown that hundreds of genes affect sexuality in complex ways.

Research result that `` there is no specific gene that produces homosexuals ''-gigazine

We inherit each gene from our parents, but their genetic makeup is unique, and no two people have the same set of genes that affect sexuality. Researchers believe that the resulting “variation” creates a variety of variations, from the majority homosexuals to minority heterosexuals and bisexuals.

Human height is affected by hundreds of genes and at the same time by the external environment. Similarly, in sexuality, all social factors such as human attractiveness, sexual behavior, social connections, and desires are intricately intertwined. Baron said that no special explanation of sexuality was needed, just as he did not need a special evolutionary explanation of his height.

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