"Chikuwa Tian (Isobe Potosara)" tasting review that packed Hokuoku potato salad in a hole in Chikuwa

"Chikuwa Temple" packed potato salad in Chikuwa tempura, popular in Kyushu, is a very innovative combination of Chikuwa and potato salad, but in Ministop 2015 Hot Snack Corner offers Chikuwa sky series from 2015 , And from May 27, (Fri) 2016, the fourth series of the series "Chikuwa Tian (Isobe Potosara)"Will appear. Prior to nationwide sale, some stores started early sales since May 20 (Friday), so I tried it at once.

Chikuwa Tian | Product Information | MINISTOP

When I arrived at Ministop, I found a signboard of a big cherry blossoms at the cash register.

Looking further at the hot snack corner, croquette and fried chicken were lined with cherry blossoms. Since the final processing is done in the kitchen after ordering at the cash register, you will get a freshly cut cheek.

It was handed in a vertically long paper bag common to hot snacks.

I brought it home and put it on a dish. Clothing mixed with domestic Aosha Nori is dark green.

As the inside potato salad does not protrude, both ends are tightly closed with clothes, so at first glance it does not seem to be a cake.

When I try to break it in half, a crispy pot is full of potato salad.

When I try to eat it, the clothing is fried and crispy and there is no oiliness, the fragrance of the aso laver sea is fluffy. Chikuwa is strengthening the texture of the surimi, there is a chewy response. Carrot is also included in potato salad, and coloring is good, and potato of hokuhoku surprisingly fits well with chikuwa. Because it is big and has eaten response, it seems to be perfect for when hungry is empty etc.

In addition, the price of Chikuwa Temple (Isobe Potosara) is 170 yen including tax, calorie is 207 kcal.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log