How far can humans reach in the universe? If you explain with animation in an easy to understand manner

ByCliff Howard

movies"Interstellar"Goes on a journey to find a second planet that will move between the planets and find a second planet that will take the place of the Earth but to what extent human beings can reach in this universe, explain the story that is too vast in an easy to understand animation There is "How Far Can We Go? Limits of Humanity."is.

How Far Can We Go? Limits of Humanity. - YouTube

Is there a place that "for us humans can never reach"? If answered briefly to the question that "there is" that. That is the point that we can not reach even if we use technology like SF that is not realized now. So where and where is it located far away?

First of all, we have an average size of 100,000 light-years in diameterMilky Way GalaxyIt exists in.

Among the Milky Way galaxies are planets and black holes, gas clouds, dark matter,Neutron starThere are countless substances such as.

And there is an unbelievably huge black hole in the center of the galaxy.

Although it seems that the density of the galaxy is very high from a distance ... ...

Actually, the average distance between stars and stars is 47 trillion kilometers and there is a whimsical distance.

With current technology, stars that take thousands of years to send humans.

Moreover, there are multiple galaxies.Andromeda galaxyAnd dwarf galaxies exist within the range of 10 million light-years in diameter, "local group" is summarized.

In addition, this local groupLaniakea Super Galaxy GroupThere are hundreds in it.

And the Lania Care Super Galaxy Group is one of the super galaxies existing in the perceptible universe that exists in millions.

Suppose that human beings are fortunate enough to gain energy from the entire galaxy as well as the Earth, nor to be driven out by aliens, and realize interplanetary trips based on current physics.

In this case, how far can a human go?

The answer is until the "local group".

The local group is only 0.00000000001% of the perceivable universe.

The universe is too huge for us to travel, so even if you think about it, you even remember fear.

So why is there a place in our universe where we can not reach? In order to understand this we need to understand the nature of "none". For example, when an empty box is present, in reality the inside of the box is not empty but filled with energy. So-called"Quantum fluctuationIt is what is called.

When looking at a smaller scale, particles and anti-particles always move around, appearing or disappearing.

In other words, the vacuum in quantum theory has parts with different densities.

After 13.8 billion years ago, in the universe a big explosion called "Big Bang" took place ......

The universeQuick inflation (inflation)It is said to have caused.

Quantum fluctuation was also affected by the rapid expansion of the universe in a short time. As the vacuum was prolonged, the distance between the subatom separated to the galaxy scale with the density difference remaining.

At this time, the high density part became a local group of our living galaxies.

So why can not I go from one local group to the next local group?

To thatDark energyIt will be involved. Dark energy is the energy that is thought to penetrate the entire universe and accelerate the expansion of the universe, scientists have not yet figured out "What is dark energy?" We are observing the impact.

In the early universe, there were large cold places in the local group than others.

This place becomes grouped into thousands of galaxies.

Several groups are born ... ...

Those outside the group had no gravitational interference to what is inside the group.

Therefore, as the universe expands, the distances between groups do not have the ability to attract each other.

The expansion of the universe means that we are making "a place that can never reach".

Already, the distance to the local group next to the local group where we exist is millions of light-years, and that distance is growing at incredible speed.

Therefore, if we leave our local group, it is impossible to reach another group. To wander in the universe without reaching anywhere.

Meanwhile, the Galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy are expected to collide within about 4 billion years.

Galaxies formed by collisionMilkomedaIt is nicknamed.

Even if the galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy collide, since the stars are separated from each other, there is little probability that stars collide. However, there is a possibility that gravitational confusion will occur and the positional relationship in the solar system will change. Also,PhotonAs the wave of waves change, light can not be detected, and no information will be received outside the local group. "Visibility" disappears from outer space.

A person born in the darkness and born in the empty universe lost even in the direction, beyond the darknessCosmic microwave background radiationYou can neither see nor learn newly about the big bang. By observing the universe, we can not get the knowledge we know right now.

People born in such a world should think that the universe is static and eternal.

Milcomeda seems to be one 'island' slowly losing light in the dark.

Nonetheless, even local groups with trillions of stars are wider for humans. We have not yet created a way to leave the solar system, and it will be four billion years before my birthday is born.

Let's firmly carve that we are living in a very fortunate time that we can both look into the future and the past.

in Science,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log