Headline news on April 19, 2016

Cerevo of Internet home appliance maker is the latest and top model of live distribution device "LiveShell series" "LiveShell XWe announced. Distribution is possible by encoding the input HDMI image to 1080 / 60p / H.265 without PC. You can distribute up to 3 streams to distribution platforms such as YouTube Live · Twitch · Ustream · Wowza · Akamai · Limelight, and also has a function to telop transparent PNG to images that were requested a lot.

LiveShell X - Cerevo

The specifications of LiveShell X are as follows.

Incidentally, I posted such an article on the same day of the same month in the past.

Technology is developing to eliminate tattoo just by painting cream - GIGAZINE

"Spicy Double Decker Veg" Review that McDonald's hamburger was made without meat, it was so - GIGAZINE

SIM-free 7 inch tablet "ASUS Fonepad ME 371 MG" in 2,000 yen range haste photo review - GIGAZINE

Transportation "Evacuated Tube Transport" which can make one round of the world at maximum speed of 6500 km · approximately 6 hours - GIGAZINE

Beautiful women's ranking of the royalty of the world & royal family with discomfort with ranking ranking - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (memo · various others)
What is the greatest number of mobile suits to meet for dating sites - multi-purpose toilet

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
A story that the risk can certainly be reduced if the nuclear reactor is stopped in advance - chicks of biophysics calculation chemist

In this way, the heat of decay largely decreases from 6% immediately after shutdown to 1/15 in 1 day to 0.4%.

In other words, if an unexpected situation arises that the cooling water can not be supplied, the amount of heat to be cooled can be kept small by one digit if it is stopped one day before, and the reactor You can get a long grace time until damage.

With this grace, you can get valuable time to work to restore the supply of cooling water to the reactor, or to spend the evacuation of the surrounding residents.

From the technical point of view above, if it is judged that there is a high probability that a large earthquake that will destroy the nuclear reactor will occur just under the Kawachi nuclear power plant, it is sufficiently meaningful to stop the operation of the nuclear reactor in advance.

Dinosaurs, crisis of survival from tens of millions of asteroid collisions Research pictures 1 international news: AFPBB News

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
"A nice guy who cares for people" Kiyota san of sacrifice Tokai Univ. Classmate immediately after it broke down - Nishinippon Shimbun

India suffering from tax delinquency, new weapons are drum band - WSJ

Earthquake dead to 45 people, Economy syndrome even dead: Society: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)

Kumamoto prison tried to accept evacuees for the first time, water and food was enough - Kyodo News 47 NEWS

U.S. military Osprey, the voice of doubt about making the first disaster response achievement also - Okinawa: Asahi Shimbun Digital

According to the Ministry of Defense, four aircraft arrived at Iwakuni base on the 17th. Two of them returned to Kumamoto airport and Kamamoto prefecture Minamiaso village of the affected area two times on the afternoon of 18th, and carried relief supplies such as water, food and a simple toilet.

However, the SDF also has about 70 large helicopter helicopters CH47 with about 60 people. Is it necessary further for US military oosprey with about 30 people? The voice of doubt rises.

"If you are using such an opportunity to get used to eliminating the fear of citizens against Osprey, it is inexperienced." Communist Party Director Akira Koike told the interview of the Asahi newspaper on the 18th. Nakaya and Defense Minister Nakaya, who was asked by the party's lawmaker at the House of Councilors' Settlement Committee of the same day, said, "We are guaranteeing safety.It is not sufficiently delivered to the site by the helicopter's ability of the SDF," the need for Osprey We emphasized sex.

Arresting a 63-year-old man who was hanging leather "Crowded and standing ... I got angry" About 200 stolen leathers stolen - The Sankei News

Fukushima · Contaminated water: Ocean emission is the shortest and lowest cost - Mainichi Newspaper

Keidanren, against the European plan = with tax evasion countermeasures - Panama document: current affairs dot com

'The giant diamond of the British crown is a gift' Indian government appeals not to request returning | Reuters

Tohoku way: Self-Defense Force tankroll overturned on the way to Kumamoto relief - Mainichi Newspaper

Influence of ultra high-speed transactions on stocks will begin to be verified at experts meeting | NHK News

"Ultra high-speed transactions" are professional investors buying and selling stocks at high speeds such as thousands of thousands of seconds using computers investment programs and artificial intelligence, so even at the Tokyo Stock Exchange, It is increasing. However, there are also indications that "overly high-speed transactions" lead to sudden fluctuations in stock prices, or that other investors are given an unfair feeling, so specialized working groups are set up at experts' conferences I decided to verify it.

Passenger car rushing into a supermarket parking lot, 4 people serious injuries Osaka: Asahi Shimbun Digital

"Hitting the bomb on the Hokkaido Shinkansen" Operation to be stopped | NHK News

CNN.co.jp: 'Boarding refusal in Arabic conversation' Islamic students complained Rice - (1/2)

Convicted prisoners confess "murder involvement" confession Search the forest of Kanagawa | NHK News

The former gangsters chairman who confirmed the death penalty in the shooting incident occurred in the Maebashi city snack in 2003 confessed that he was involved in the murder of a missing male from 20 years ago and the former members of the bodies confirmed the body The Metropolitan Police Department and the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Department are proceeding to search forests in Isehara City, Kanagawa Prefecture from the morning.

Toyota assembling factory other than Kyushu stopped in stages | NHK News

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
I am seriously reviewing the good tool "Tami's bread baking machine" I loved after the war by the okan - where did you buy it?

The reason why it takes time to write a sentence and the concrete solution - when I was ~ I was illusory when I could not do? ~

To people who are raping in Kumamoto - Togetter Summary

There is a man who never returns to Matsuya → It seemed like he was watching photos on Facebook but it was "scary" "I have to be careful" - Togetter Summary

How to walk in the spin economy: reasons why the media to conduct disaster coverage takes insane behavior locally (1/5) - ITmedia Business Online

Kumamoto earthquake What you want us to consider before delivering good intent to support "smart" (Masato Kimura) - Individual - Yahoo! News

Which should you choose for support and donation? Differences in usage, speed, distribution method - withnews (with news)

"Yahoo! Wallet" registered by more than 33 million people provides "deposit payment" corresponding to 25 banks of new measures and electronic money "Yahoo! Money" from early summer. Entry into real settlement next spring / press room - Yahoo Japan Corporation

"Deposit payment" is scheduled to correspond to a bank account of 25 rows from the service provision start date. Breakdown is 4 large banks (Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Mizuho Bank, Resona Bank, Saitama Resona Bank), 1 bank of Internet bank (Japan Net Bank), 20 regional banks (see separate note).

Yahoo! Wallet 's "Deposit Payment" is the only one in Japan (* Investigation of own company) that corresponds to 25 banks in the online payment method where the payment is immediately withdrawn from the bank account. Also, in addition to scheduling the addition of 12 regional banks (see appendix) within the year, the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ is considering the correspondence within the year even at major banks.

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Z generation, e-mail "Adult Toshinomi" - WSJ

I actually took a WEB Writing Skills Test - I feel living as a Web writer

Let's still forgive that the number of pages is small. Perhaps the essential essence is concentrated on one page. It is more quality than quantity.

I put expectations, turned over the cover page of the problem collection, - I was exclaimed.

Let's say clearly.

I got full marks with no studies at all, including both "Basic Studies Questions" and "Practice Guide Problems". I did not drop even one question. (Excluding those whose original answer is incorrect due to mistakes in making a collection of problems)

I do not want to boast such boast that my ability is high. If you are doing a web writer, there is still a problem that is too easy, as if you misunderstood only one question in the collection of questions, as if you were embarrassed and stuttering on the futon.

Let's try one question to readers for testing.

(Question) When using words such as "primary source" and "secondary source" of information, what does "source" mean here? Please choose from the following.

1. Source of information, source of information, source
2. Things to put on fried noodles etc.

Hey are you playing around? It is! It may have been thought. It is my feeling when I opened the problem collection.

Actually, the problem consists of 4 choices, but the degree of difficulty will remain the same regardless of what kind of choice this is. There is no mistake. It is never a joke, and such a level of questions is not "basic" but also "practical".

Government's New Growth Strategy, Strengthening Policy to Require Programming at Elementary and Junior High Schools | Slad Developer

Developed technology to continuously measure blood pressure value per beat only with the world's first wrist | News Release | Corporate Information | Omron Healthcare

Added 'High Popularity' in the order of video search (PC version) - Nico Nico Info

Google Japan Blog: About the earthquake that occurred in Kumamoto district, Kumamoto prefecture - 2

UC Davis became a topic in tear drop spray video for demo students, asked dealers reverse SEO for 19 million yen | Slad IT

MapFan + for iOS, MapFan 2015 for Android Offline Map for free for a limited time - NEWS - Map / Route Search, MapFan (Mapfan)

I would like to use it for supporting activities of people affected by the disaster and checking the location on site,
For the iOS map navigation application "MapFan +", an offline map of the Kyushu-Okinawa region is displayed,
MapFan 2015 for the map navigation application for Android offline map nationwide,
We will offer for free for a limited time.

■ Implementation Period: 2016/4/18 (Mon) - 2016/5/18 (Wed)

Sony Japan | News Releases | The Influence of the Kumamoto Earthquake of 2016 (2016)

Sony Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. The Kumamoto Technology Center (Kikuchi ken gun, Kumamoto Prefecture) mainly produces image sensors and display devices for digital cameras and surveillance cameras, but since the earthquake occurred to the present, production activities It is stopped. Damage situation of buildings and production equipment is currently being confirmed, production resumption is undecided due to continued aftershocks.

Regarding the Nagasaki Technology Center (Isahaya City, Nagasaki Prefecture), the main factory of image sensors for smartphones, and the Oita Technology Center (Oita City, Oita Prefecture), which began operation as a company factory since April 1, Department of production equipment was temporarily suspended, but restarted sequentially from April 17, production is restarted. In addition, the company's Kagoshima Technology Center (Kirishima-shi, Kagoshima Prefecture) is operating without major impact even after the earthquake occurred.

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Ship this arcade sortie start movie - YouTube

Kingdom Series 10th Anniversary Live Movie Special Movie (Starring: Yamazaki Kenito) - YouTube

Movie "Alice in Wonderland / Time's Journey" Trailer on Vimeo

Akashiya Sanma "Are you really depressed, do you need laughter?" Dilemma | 2 Channels Summary Blog - Alfalfa Mosaic

The world's most cute Moe mascot character! I want you to know the cuteness of buffalo bell! - Total Machi Nikki today as well

Usage of Kumamon's illustration for support activities, etc. - Notice from the prefecture | Kumamon Official Site

Normally, it is necessary to obtain permission through "Kumamon Application", but with regard to items that fall under the use subject of (1) below, we will make a notification system (no license required) as a special measure .

A totally novice has talked about programming for the time being a book or a comic book to read when reading - a long diary of shi 3 z

An example of what girls can not avoid getting into sexual content for men in childhood - Togetter Summary

How did "Gundam" 1st come in popularity with the background? Revalidation - Togetter Summary

"Star Fox Zero" Development Staff Interview [Part 1] Looking for Reality and Coolness | Topics | Nintendo

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
【Best Goal Nomination】 Diego Oliveira (Kashiwa) "2016 J1 League 1st Section 7" - YouTube

【Best Goal Nomination】 Okubo Yoshito (Kawasaki F) "2016 J1 League 1st Section 7" - YouTube

◆ J League ◆ J1 Leader of Revolutionary Army Commander Yasuhiro Kazama commented, "I do not know the meaning, but I am confident that I am confident anyway!"

[Kazama Hiroshi Director]
- We are swapping members every game, but are not you daringly fixing it? Or can not it be fixed? About the advantages and disadvantages there.

First of all I think that you do not have to answer the merits and demerits. He did not enter as much as he thought he would show in his wallet, or suddenly the 10,000 yen note was missing. Such a thing is sudden. There is something about probability in how many games this is. Because we do not have to fix something.

【Best Goal Nomination】 Saito University (Yokohama FM) "2016 J1 League 1st Section 7" - YouTube

◆ J League ◆ Afflicted Area Born from Kumamoto Mononofu Ueda Direct Slippery Hero Interview comes up with a topic!

Kumamoto from Rio Olympic representative DF Ueda Naoton interview with crying · · - YouTube

◆ Premier ◆ Is that Okazaki "fight" at Leicester? Also taken up in Spain

Okazaki and Ulloa wrestle in Leicester training - YouTube

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
Black Tea Hanuden × Momoiro Clover Z "Collabo Design Bottle" Appears! Tea Hanbuden

[Tea Hanpudo] "Momo Cro Collabo Design Bottle Appears" Kochakaden - YouTube

Akashi Ginza Delhi supervision Kashmir Curry Ramen: Meisei Foods

Supports healthy sleeping GRASSO Sleep Water

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log