Artificial intelligence "deepjazz" to compose jazz automatically, jazz made by AI feel like this

ByJimmy Baikovicius

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Programmer'sJi-Sung KimAutomatic jazz generator that Mr. Hackson created for 36 hours is "Deepjazz"is. Deepjazz is a Python deep learning library "Keras"When"Theano"Two layer structure created using"Long short-term memory(LSTM)When you give a MIDI file (sound source data), you learn music and compose the original jazz.

Deepjazz: deep learning for jazz

"Deepjazz", Google's "AlphaGo(Alpha Go) "and IBM's"WATSONIt is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) such as. Google's Alpha Go is an AI specialized in the ability to hit Go but deepjazz is an AI that specializes in "composing jazz" as its name suggests.

What is used to construct deepjazz is Keras and Theano of the deep learning library written in Python, and by setting these to LSTM of two layer structure, it becomes AI which automatically generates jazz music It is. Note that LSTM isRecurrent neural networkIt is a kind of.

Ji-Sung Kim, when making deepjazz, is an engineer'sEvan ChowComposing music by machine learning created by Mr.JazzMLIt is said that it was based on. The code of deepjazz is published on GitHub.

GitHub - jisungk / deepjazz: Deep learning driven jazz generation using Keras & Theano!

The sound source composed by deepjazzSoundCloudIt is published on the above, and it is possible to listen with the following players. Deepjazz is an AI which generates new jazz music based on the music when inputting a MIDI file, and at the time of article creation, a total of 6 songs of 5 song generation songs and sound sources were uploaded to SoundCloud It is. The sound source is American jazz guitaristPat MethenyMr. "And Then I Knew"is.

The jazz composed by deepjazz has five songs in less than 30 seconds, but the rhythm is very unique compared to the songs that are based, it is worth listening.

in Software,   Science, Posted by logu_ii